Kelot KKK ECL05
From Game Logs
Name: Kelot Deity: Aligment: NN Languages: Common, Celestial Race: lesser aasimar (humanoid[planetouched]) (PGtF) Class: Spirit Shaman 5 Str 8 ( 2 pts) Dex 14 ( 6 pts) Con 14 ( 6 pts) Int 12 ( 4 pts) Wis 16 ( 6 pts) +2 Cha 18 (10 pts) +2 rac +1 lvl HP 32(32) (8+4d8+6) AC 18 (10 +2 dex +4 armor +2 shield) Touch 12 FF 16 +2 vs spirits Initiative: +2(+2 dex) Attacks: Melee +2 (3 bab -1 str) Ranged +5 (3 bab +2 dex) Graple +2 (3 bab -1 str) Saves Fortitude +6 (4 spirit shaman +2 con) Reflex +3 (1 spirit shaman +2 dex) Will +7 (4 spirit shaman +3 wis) Feats [SG] Alertness [Flaw] Feeble [Flaw Bonus] Augumented Healing [1 HD] Healer's Luck [3 HD] Spontaneous Healing [5 HD] Magic of the land Skills (8+2sp) +10 Concentration (8 rank +2 con) + 9 Knowledge[nature] (8 rank +1 int) + 9 Spellcraft (8 rank +1 int) +12 Heal (8 rank +3 wis +2 item) +15 Spot (8 rank +3 wis +2 rac +2 feat) Racial Abilities Darkvision 60 +2 on spot and listen Daylight 1/day Resistance acid 5 col 5 electricity 5 Class Abilities Spirit Guide Wild empaty 1d20+9 Chastise spirit 5d6 7/day DC 19 Detect Spirits Blessing of the spirits Spells available: 6(6) / 7 (7) / 5 (5) / 3 (3) Spells retrieved: 0(3) Detect Magic, Create Water, CMW 1(3) Snake Swiftness, Produce Flames, CLW 2(1) Blinding Spittle 3(1) Conjure Ice Beast Gear[900] Chain Shirt 100gp 25 Shield, HW 7gp 10 Javelin x5 5gp 10 Healing belt 750gp 38gp Wishlist Crystal mask of Knowledge[nature] 2500 Tunic of steady spellcasting 2500 Chronocharm of the uncaring archmage 500 quartz 50