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Добрым словом и болтером можно добиться больше, чем одним только болтером.
~ Цинциннат




Name: Zinzinnat
Origin     : Noble.
Lineage    : Rogue's Fortune
Career Path: Scum
Ranking    : Rogue
Divination : "There are no civilians in the battle for survival."
XP Total   : 4000/4050 (50 overspent)

WS 23     20+8   -5
BS 44    20+14    +10 (350)
S 23      20+8       -5
T 34      15+12    +5 +2[divination]
Ag 43     20 + 13   + 10 (350) 
Int 36     20+16
Per 29    20+9
WP 39   20+14     +5
Fel 53    25+18    +10(350)
Wounds    : 11+1[divination]+2[talent]=14
Fate      : 2
Insanity  : 0
Corruption: 0

*** TRAITS ***
Accustomed to Crowds 
Caves of Steel
Supremely Connected

*** TALENTS ( 1800 XP) ***

Melee Weapons Training (Primitive)
Pistol Training (SP) 
Basic Weapons Training (SP) 
Sound Constitution* (200 exp)
Quick Draw (100 exp)
Rapid Reaction (100 exp)
Rapid Reload (100 exp)
Two Weapon Wielder (Ballistic) (100 exp)
Lightning Reflexes (200 exp)
Pistol Training (Bolt)(100 exp) 
Gunslinger (300 exp) 
Dual Shot (300 exp)
Jaded   (300 exp)

*** SKILLS (1200 XP) ***
Peer (Nobility) 
Peer (Underworld)
Speak Language (Hive Dialect) (Int)
Speak Language+10 (Low Gothic) (Int) 
Speak Language (High Gothic) (Int) 
Blather (Fel)
Common Lore (Imperium) (Int)
Literacy (Int) 
Deceive+20 (Fel) (200 exp)
Awareness +10(Per) (100 exp)
Charm +10 (Fel)(100 exp)
Dodge+10 (Ag)  (200 exp)
Cyphers (Acolyte)(100 exp)
Common Lore (Underworld) (Int)(100 exp)
Inquiry(Fel)(100 exp)
Carouse(T) (100 exp)
Scrutiny(Per)(200 exp)

*** Armour ***
Name                         Covers         AP    Wt     Cost    
Xeno Mesh                   Body, Arms, Legs  4    2     375

*** Weapon ***
Name                                               Range   RoF 
Dam         Pen     Clip              Rld          Wt      Cost 
Cinder Crag Forge Mauler Bolt Pistol "Frater"     30 m    S/3/-  
1d10+5 X    3      12 (DC) x3 (36)    Half/Full    3.75kg   825 
Reliable, Best, Fire Selector, Dual Clips, w. Red-Dot Laser Sight

Cinder Crag Forge Mauler Bolt Pistol "Soror"      30 m    S/3/-  
1d10+5 X    3      12 (DC) x3 (36)    Half/Full    3.75kg   825    
Reliable, Best, Fire Selector, Dual Clips, w. Red-Dot Laser Sight

2 Hecuter 9/5 Heavy Combat Autopistols "Venomspitters"  30m  S/3/6
1d10+3 I    0      30 (DC)            Half/Full    2kg   175
Reliable, Dual Clips

*** Ammo ***
Type                        Amount   Cost
Man-Stopper Bullets          300      350
Bolt Shells                   72     1212

*** Items ***
                                             Cost  Weight
Good Infra-Red Goggles+Photo-Visors, 
looking like usual sunglasses                1175   0,5kg
Re-Breather                                    50    1kg
Micro-Bead                                     20
Backpack                                       10    1kg
Grapnel                                        30    2kg
Data-slate                                     25   0,5kg

5247 Thrones spent, 553 Thrones left
18,5 kg (can carry 27 kg)