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Name: Blacky
True Neutral Kobold (Jungle) Male (venerable)
Small Dragon (reptilian)
Archivist 5 [HoH] / Divine Oracle 4 [CD]
Deity: Kurtulmak

---{ ABILITIES / PB 32 }---
STR 08(-1) - 4(race)                               = 04(-3)
DEX 14(+2) + 2(race)                               = 16(+3)
CON 14(+2)                                         = 14(+2)
INT 15(+2) + 1(race)                               = 16(+3)
WIS 16(+3)           + 3(age)  + 2(hd)   + 3(ench) = 24(+7) 
CHA 08(-1)           + 3(age)                      = 11(+0)

Init : +12 (+3 dex, +4 improved initiative, +5 Primal Instinct, [+4 sign])
Speed: 30ft. (30ft in armor)
HP   : 5d6+4d6+18=52
AP   : 3

BAB: +4
Grp: 4(BAB) - 3(str) - 4(size) = -3
Trp: -3(str) - 4(size) = -7
Bull: -4(str) - 4(size) = -7

[weapon1 +XX\+Y melee (XdY+Z\xY)] 
  Attack Bonus: +X(BAB) + Y(str) + ...
  Damage: XdY + X(str) + Y(feat1) + ...
[weapon1 +XX\+Y ranged (XdY+Z\xY)] 
  Attack Bonus: +X(BAB) + Y(dex) + ...
  Damage: XdY + X(str) + Y(feat1) + ...

AC  : 10 + 3(dex) + 2(size) + 6(armor) + 7(wis) + 1(monk) + 1(natural) + 1(deflection) = 31
*Touch: 24
*FlatF: 31

Fort: 4(archivist) + 1(divine oracle) + 2(con) + 3(resistance) = +10
Refl: 1(archivist) + 1(divine oracle) + 3(dex) + 3(resistance) = +8
Will: 4(archivist) + 4(divine oracle) + 7(wis) + 3(resistance) = +18
* +2 against enchantments spells and effects

---{ SKILLS / 76 / 2}---
* 20 Knowledge(Religion)        12+3(int)+3(feat)+2(lore mastery)
* 15 Knowledge(Arcane)          12+3(int)
* 11 Knowledge(Nature)          8+3(int)
* 11 Knowledge(Dungeoneering)   8+3(int)
* 11 Knowledge(Planes)          8+3(int)
* 15 Concentration              12+3(con)
x 25 Hide                       12+3(dex)+8(size)+2(racial)
x 10 Move Silently              7cc+3(dex)
*+X racial bonus on skill3, skill4, and skill5 checks /сюда вписываем всякие бонуса, которые у нас есть на скиллы без ранков
*armor penalty = 0(armor) + 0(shield) = 0

Speaks: Common, Draconic, Celestial, 
Skill Tricks: Collector of Stories

---{ FEATS }---
01[FLW1]: Dragonwrought Kobold (Black) [RotW]
01[ARH1]: Scribe Scroll [b]
01[CHR1]: Skill Focus (Knowledge [religion])
03[CHR3]: Improved Initiative
06[CHR6]: Darkstalker
09[CHR9]: Action Surge

Flaws: Noncombatant

  [--] Jungle Kobold
  [ex] Slightly Build
  [ex] Dragon-Wrought (Black)
  [ex] Immunity to Sleep
  [ex] Darkvision 60ft, low-light vision
  [ex] +2 racial on Hide  

  [--] Dark Knowledge (Tactics, Puissance) 4/day
  [--] Lore Mastery (Religion)
  [Ex] Still Mind
[Divine Oracle]
  [--] Oracle Domain
  [Su] Scry Bonus
  [Ex] Prescient Sense 
  [Ex] Trap Sense
  [Ex] Divination Enhancement
  [Ex] Uncanny Dodge
0: All Cleric Orisons
1: Hide from Undead, Entropic Shield, Obscuring Mist, Blood Wind, Omen of Peril, Avoral's Eyes, Ebon Eyes, Foundation of Stone, Lesser Restoration [Paladin]
2: Master's Touch, Close Wounds, Align Weapon, Silence, Barkskin [Druid]
3: Dispel Magic, Invisibility Purge, Alter Fortune, Sheltered Vitality
4: Death Ward, Revenance, Greater Resistance, Freedom of Movement
5: Swift Etherealness, Revivify, Heal [Adept]

1(X): spell1, spell2 (metamagic1), ... spelln [d]
2(Y): spell1, spell2, ... spelln [s]
/[d] и [s] как несложно догадаться - слоты доменные и специалиста

Save DC = XX + Spell Level (YY if guano is used, ZZ for enchantments)
CL YY (ZZ for acid evocations)
ASP if any

---{ GEAR }--- 
BODY SLOT                 ITEM
Throat                    Periapt of wisdom
Shoulders                 Shadow cloak
Waist                     Monk's Belt
Ring (right)              Ring of Darkhidden
Ring (left)               



[Alchemical Items]   

Monk's Belt 13000gp
Ring of Darkhidden [MIC] 5000gp
Shadow Cloak [DotU] 5500gp
Periapt of Wisdom +3 9000gp

Aureon's Spellshard 6250gp


Carrying Capacity \ Total Weight:       
Money: XXXXXXXgp.

---{ COMBAT MODES }---
[combat mode1]
[combat mode2]

---{ SOURCE INDEX }---
* Books Index
* Homrulzuz
* Races of the Dragon, Part 2 : Kobolds: Playing to Their Strengths
* Author: Haart

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