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Male Earth Dwarf (Humanoid)
Wildshape Ranger 3/Fighter 2/Deepwarden 2
Alignment: LN

Used books:          
- Expanded Psionic Handbook
- Planar Handbook
- Player's Handbook I
- Player's Handbook II
- Races of the Stone
- Unearthed Arcana

---{ Статы }---

STR 16(10) + 2 (race)                    = 18(+4)
DEX 08( 0) - 2 (race)                    = 06(-2)
CON 18(16) + 2 (race) + 1(HD) + 2 (item) = 23(+6)
INT 12( 4)                               = 12(+1)
WIS 10( 2)                               = 10( 0)
CHA 08( 0) - 2 (race)                    = 06(-2)

HP = 3d8 + 2d10 + 2d12 + 36 = 15 + 11 + 13 + 42 = 81

Full  10 (base) + 6 (Dex) + 11 (Armor) + 3 (Shield) = 30
Touch 10 (base) + 6 (Dex) + 11 (Armor) + 3 (Shield) = 30
Flat  10 (base) + 6 (Dex) + 11 (Armor) + 3 (Shield) = 30

Init -2

BAB     +7/+2
Grapple +10
to hit: 
  melee +7/+2 (bab) + 4 (Str) + 1 (enhanced) + 1 (focus) = +13/+8 (1d8+4/x3)  [warhammer]
  melee +7/+2 (bab) + 4 (Str) + 1 (enhanced)             = +12/+7 (1d10+4/x3) [waraxe]
  melee +7/+2 (bab) + 4 (Str) + 1 (enhanced)             = +12/+7 (1d8+4/x3)  [morningstar]

Speed 30 ft/x4

Fort +3 (Rgr3) +3 (Ftr2) +3 (DWn1) +6 (Con) = +14
Ref  +3 (Rgr3) +0 (Ftr2) +0 (DWn1) -2 (Dex) = +1
Will +1 (Rgr3) +0 (Ftr2) +3 (DWn1) +6 (Con) = +10

---{ Внешний вид }---

Medium, 4'6" tall, 136 wt, 54 yrs old
Серая кожа. Иногда кажется, что она блестит. Волосы цвета стали, глаза цвета
антрацита - настоящий оружейник.

---{ Скиллы }---

Skills (42 - ranger, 6 - fighter, 14 - deepwarden)

01 Appraise                  +0 (ranks) + 1 (Int) + 4 (racial, stone|metal) + 2 (synergy, weapon|armor)
09 Climb                     +5 (ranks) + 4 (Str)
17 Craft (armorsmithing)     +10 (ranks) + 1 (Int) + 4 (racial) + 2 (circumstance)
17 Craft (weaponsmithing)    +10 (ranks) + 1 (Int) + 4 (racial) + 2 (circumstance)
09 Jump                      +5 (ranks) + 4 (Str)
05 Heal                      +5 (ranks)
08 Knowledge (dungeonering)  +7 (ranks) + 1 (Int)
-6 Listen                    +0 (ranks) - 6 (flaw)
11 Search                    +10 (ranks) + 1 (Int) + 4 (Imp. Stonecunning)
-6 Spot                      +0 (ranks) - 6 (flaw)
13 Survival                  +10 (ranks) + 3 (feat) + 2 (when underground) + 2 (synergy, track)

Speaks dwarven, common, planar trading, terran

---{ Фиты }---

{FLAW-} Inattentive
{FLAW+} Wild Talent
{RGR01} Track
{CHR01} Weapon Focus (warhammer)
{RGR03} Endurance
{CHR03} Steadfast Determination
{FTR01} Heavy Armor Optimization
{FTR02} Parrying Shield
{DWN01} Skill Focus (Survival)
{CHR06} Deflective Armor

---{ Расовые и классовые фичи }---

Dwarf Traits
- +2 Strength, -2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma
- Medium
- Dwarf base land speed is 20 feet. 
- However, dwarves can move at this speed even when wearing medium or heavy armor or whose
  speed is reduced in such conditions).
- Darkvision: Dwarves can see in the dark up to 60 feet. 
- Improved Stonecunning
- Weapon Familiarity
- Stability: +8 on checks to resist bullrush & tripping while standing earth
- +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison
- -2 racial bonus on saving throws against spells and spell-like effects with Air subtype,
  or used by creatures with Air subtype
- +1 racial bonus to attack rolls against creatures with Air subtype
- +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against monsters of the giant type
  (such as ogres, trolls, and hill giants)
- +4 racial bonus on Appraise checks that are related to stone or metal items
- +4 racial bonus on Craft checks that are related to stone or metal:
- Automatic Languages: Common and Dwarven. 
- Bonus Languages: Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, Terran, and Undercommon. 

Wildshape Ranger
- Favored Enemy (outsiders [evil])
- Fast Movement (as barb2)

- bonus feats

- Trap Sense +1

---{ Инвентарь }---

Кружка, ложка, нож, миска, 3 комплекта 
одежды, бэкпак и 
прочая туристистическая хня              100

Noble Outfit                             100
Artisan Outfit                             1

Dwarvencraft Mithral Mechanus Gear      3684
Dwarvencraft Mithral Extreme Shield      443
Dwarvencraft Adamantine Warhammer +1    3104
- Triple Weapon Capsule Container        450
  - Ghostblight                          100
  - Quicksilver                           50
  - Quicksilver                           50
Dwarvencraft Dwarven Waraxe              210
Dwarvencraft Morningstar                 203

Amulet Of Health +2                     4000

Weeping flask                             50
Everlasting ration                       350

- Attune Form CL5                        750

  Artisan Tools, Mwk                      55

На руках                                   0 sp
                                          55 gp

---{ Текущее состояние }---

HP: 68
AP: 7

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