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А чо так дерзко? (c)

Name: Napalm
CN Changeling [MM3] Male
Evoker 5 / Recaster [RoE 157] 5
Deity: XP
Prohibited Schools: Necromancy, Enchantment

---{ ABILITIES }---
STR 08(-1)                 = 08(-1)
DEX 14(+2)        +2(item) = 16(+3)
CON 16(+3)        +2(item) = 18(+4)
INT 18(+4) +2(HD) +2(item) = 22(+6)
WIS 08(-1)                 = 08(-1)
CHA 08(-1)                 = 08(-1)

Init: +4 (+4 dex)
HP  : 10d4 + 40 = 66

BAB : +4
Grapple: 4(BAB) - 1(str) = +3
to hit: +7 ranged touch

AC  : 10 + 3(dex) + 4(mage armor) +1(deflection) = 18
*Touch: 14
*FlatF: 15

Fort: 1(wizard) + 1(recaster) + 4(con) +2(resist) = +8
Refl: 1(wizard) + 1(recaster) + 3(dex) +2(resist) = +7
Will: 4(wizard) + 4(recaster) - 1(wis) +2(resist) = +9
*+2 racial bonus on saving throws against charm and sleep effects

---{ SKILLS }---
-1     Spot                  00-1(wis)
-1     Listen                00-1(wis)
17     Concentration         13+4(con)
19(24) Knowledge(arcana)     13+6(int)
18(23) Knowledge(religion)   12+6(int)
11(16) Knowledge(dungeon)    05+6(int)
11(16) Knowledge(the planes) 05+6(int)
04     Profession(gambler)   05-1(wis)
25     Spellcraft            13+6(int)+4(synergy)+2(feat)
08     UMD [cc]              05-1(cha)+2(synergy)+2(feat)
*+2  racial bonus on Bluff, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks

Speaks: Common, Elven, Draconic, Infernal, Terran, Undercommon.

* Collector of Stories - +5 Kn. check to identify monsters
* Swift Concentration

---{ FEATS }---
1[CHR]: Magical Aptitude
1[WIZ]: Scribe Scroll
3[CHR]: Empower Spell
5[WIZ]: Maximize Spell
6[CHR]: Ocular Spell [LoM 181]
9[CHR]: Practiced Spellcaster

---{ FEATURES }---
[Ex] Natural Linguist
[Su] Minor Change Shape
[  ] Metamorphic Spell (components) 
[  ] Expanded Knowledge (wings of cover)
[Su] Sudden Metamagic (maximize spell) 5 use/day
[  ] Metamorphic Spell (time) 3 use/day
[  ] Expanded Knowledge (delay death)
[Su] Sudden Metamagic (empower spell) 5 use/day
[  ] Metamorphic Spell (space) 5 use/day

---{ SPELLBOOK }---
0   - all cantrips, except necromancy and enchantment school
1st - lesser orb of acid, mage armor, true strike, shield, floating disk, magic missile, obscuring mist,
      identify, lesser orb of sound, grease
2nd - scorching ray, invisibility, combust, see invisibility, wings of cover, rope trick
3rd - fireball, lightning bolt, chain missile, fly, dispel magic
4th - dimension door, orb of force, black tentacles, orb of acid, greater ivisibility, celerity, delay death
5th - teleport, ball lightning, wall of force

---{ MEMORIZE }--- 
0   (4)   - acid splash, mending, detect magic x2
1st (6+1) - lesser orb of acid x2, mage armor*, shield x2, true strike + lesser orb of acid
2nd (6+1) - invisibility, see invisibility, wings of cover x2, combust x2 + combust*
3rd (4+1) - fireball x2, lightning bolt, fly + fireball
4th (3+1) - combust (Ocular) x2*, celerity + orb of force
5th (2+1) - teleport x2 + wall of force

precasted spell mark with *

Save DC = 16 + Spell Level
CL 10

---{ ITEMS }--- 
Handey Hoversack 2000

Ring of Protection +1 2000
Ring of Feather falling 2200

Headband of Intellect +2 4000
Amulet of Health +2 4000
Gloves of Dexterity +2 4000
Cloak of resistance +2 4000

Lesser Rod of Metamagic (empower spell) 9000
Lesser Rod of Metamagic (extend spell) 3000x2
Lesser Rod of Metamagic (energy substitution, cold) [CA 146] 2700
Lesser Rod of Metamagic (energy substitution, acid) [CA 146] 2700

Wand (Detect Magic; CL1; 50 charges) 375
Wand (Detect Secret Doors; CL1; 50 charges) 750
Wand (Orb of Acid, Lesser; CL3; 50 charges) 2250

Wand (Vigor, Lesser; CL1; 50 charges) 750 - to party clereg

Contingent [true strike [trigger - I say Uno]]
Contingent [true strike [trigger - I say Duo]]
Contingent [true strike [trigger - I say Trez]]

---{ PRECAST }--- 
* mage armor (Extended [rod] CL10) - 20 hours
* combust (Empowered [rod] Sudden Maximize [RC] CL10) - to spellstoring blade party barbarian, 80+5d8 fire damage
* combust (Ocular [feat] Sudden Maximize [RC] CL10) x2 - 160 fire damage as full-round

---{ DAILY USE }--- 
Lesser Rod of Metamagic (empower spell)             [X--]
Lesser Rod of Metamagic (extend spell)              [X--]
Lesser Rod of Metamagic (extend spell)              [---]
Lesser Rod of Metamagic (energy substitution, cold) [---]
Lesser Rod of Metamagic (energy substitution, acid) [---]

Metamorphic Spell (components) (silent or still)  [-----]
Sudden Metamagic (maximize spell)                 [XXX--]
Metamorphic Spell (time)                            [---]
Sudden Metamagic (empower spell)                  [-----]
Metamorphic Spell (space)                         [-----]