Difference between revisions of "Ripley Xenosage ECL04"

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Line 18: Line 18:
Init +8
Init +8
Bab +3, Grap -4
Bab +3, Grap -4
Land Speed 20ft (20ft base, 7.25/9.5, light load, light armor)
Land Speed 20ft (20ft base, 9.25/9.5, light load, light armor)
Fly Speed 60ft (60ft base, perfect maneuverability)
Fly Speed 60ft (60ft base, perfect maneuverability)
Fort +5 (+1 warlock + 3 con + 1 resistance)
Fort +5 (+1 warlock + 3 con + 1 resistance)
Line 92: Line 92:
Backpack (1lb)
Backpack (1lb)
Case, map or scroll 1gp (1/4lb)
2x Dagger 4gp (2lb)
2x Dagger 4gp (2lb)

Revision as of 18:37, 6 January 2007

Ripley Xenosage

Gestalt [UA] Pixie [MM] // Warlock [CA] 4
Small Fey 

(pb 32)
str 4  | -3 (0 pts) - 4 (race)
dex 24 | +8 (13 pts) + 8 (race) + 1 (HD)
con 16 | +3 (10 pts) 
int 18 | +4 (4 pts) + 6 (race)
wis 13 | +1 (1 pts) + 4 (race)
cha 18 | +4 (4 pts) + 6 (race)

HP 36 (4d6+12)

AC 22 (+1 armor + 8 dex + 1 size + 1 dodge + 1 nat armor), Touch 20, FF 12
Init +8
Bab +3, Grap -4
Land Speed 20ft (20ft base, 9.25/9.5, light load, light armor)
Fly Speed 60ft (60ft base, perfect maneuverability)
Fort +5 (+1 warlock + 3 con + 1 resistance)
Ref +10 (+1 warlock + 8 dex + 1 resistance)
Will +10 (+4 warlock + 1 wis + 4 luck + 1 resistance)

+12 (+3 bab +8 dex +1 size) ranged touch attack (+14 in invisibility)

Small, Red hair, pale skin, red eyes
3'0'' height, 50lb weight

Speaks: Common, Sylvan, Elven, Gnome, Halfling

Skills (42 skill points):
+10 Spellcraft (6 rank + 4 int) 
+11 Use Magic Device (7 rank + 4 cha + 2 synergy on scrolls)
+10 Concentration (7 rank + 3 con)
+11 Knowledge (the planes, 7 rank + 4 int)
+6 Knowledge (arcane, 2 rank + 4 int)
+5 Knowledge (religion, 1 rank + 4 int)
+6 Bluff (2 rank + 4 cha)
+5 Disguise (1 rank + 4 cha)
+5 Intimidate (1 rank + 4 cha)

+3 Listen (2 race + 1 wis)
+5 Spot (2 rank + 2 race + 1 wis)
+9 Escape Artist (1 rank + 8 dex)
+9 Tumble (1 rank + 8 dex)

+5 Search (2 race + 3 int)
+12 Hide (4 size + 8 dex)
+8 Move Silently (8 dex)

[Race] Dodge
[1HD2] Improved Flight [RotW]
[3HD2] Flyby Attack [MM]

Warlock Abilities:
[sp] Eldritch Blast 2d6
[sp] Detect Magic at will
[su] Damage Reduction 1/cold iron
[ex] Deceive item
[--] Invocations

Invocation list (3/):
least: See the Unseen*, Dark One's Own Luck*, Eldritch Spear

* - precasted

Pixie Traits:
-4 stregth, +8 dexterity, +6 intelligence, +4 wisdom, +6 charisma
Small size, +1 bonus on AC, +1 bonus on attack rolls, +4 bonus on Hide checks, 
-4 penalty on grapple checks, 3/4 of lifting and carrying
Base land speed is 20 ft, fly speed of 60 ft.
Low-light vision
Skills: +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search and Spot checks
Spell-likes: 1/day - lesser confusion (DC15), dancing lights, detect chaos, 
detect good, detect evil, detect law, detect throughs (DC16), dispel magic, 
entagle (DC15), permanent image (DC20), CL8, DCs are Charisma-based
Special Qualities: Damage Reduction 10/cold iron, greater invisibility, spell resistance 19

GEAR 5400gp

Small Masterwork Thiestledown padded armor [RotW] (2.5 lb) 555 gp

Vest of Resistance +1 [CA] 1000gp (1lb)

Capsule Retainer [CV] 100gp
 Ironman Capsule [CV] 15gp

Darkweave [ECS] Explorers Outfit 108gp

Backpack (1lb)

2x Dagger 4gp (2lb)

 of Shield of Faith +2 2x50gp
 of Cure Light Wounds 50gp

 Lesser Restoration 2x150gp
 Restoration 800gp
 Mage Armor 2x25gp
 Shield 2x25gp
 Remove Blindness / Deafness 375gp
 Remove Paralysis 150gp
 Grease 2x25gp
 Benign Transposition [SpC] 2x25gp
 Obscuring Mist 25gp
 Resinous Tar [CM] 25gp

 of Lesser Vigor [SpC, 1CL, 50/50] 750gp
 of Orb of Acid, lesser [SpC, 1CL, 50/50] 750gp

Freeglide [CV] 3x25gp

Spellbook [gift from Aen Sidhe] (1.5lb)
Left: 1pp, 7gp, 10sp

Source Index:
CA - Complete Arcane
CV - Complete Adventurer
CM - Complete Mage
SpC - Spell Compendium
RotW - Races of the Wild
ECS - Eberron Campaign Setting
UA - Unearthed Arcana