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To survive a war, you gotta become war.
~ Rambo II
Name       : Jock "Sarge" Howitzer
Origin     : Deathworld
Career Path: Guardsman
Ranking    : Veteran / Staff Sergeant
Background : Daemon Purge Veteran
Divination : "Men must die so that Man endures"
XP Total   : 5200

WS : 26 (+5 training)
BS : 50 (+10 training)
S  : 30 (+5 origin)
T  : 50 (+5 origin, +5 training, +3 divination)
Ag : 41 (+5 training)
Int: 31
Per: 25
WP : 27 (-5 origin)
Fel: 29 (-5 origin)

Initiative: +6
Half move : 4

Wounds    : 18
Fate      : 1
Insanity  : 9
Corruption: 2

*** ORIGIN & BACKGROUND (300 XP) ***
Light Sleeper
Resistance (Psychic Powers)
Resistance (Poisons)

*** TALENTS (1600 XP) ***
Melee Weapon Training (primitive) *free
Pistol Training (SP) *free
Basic Weapon Training (Las) *free
Basic Weapon Training (SP) *free
Thrown Weapon Training (primitive)

Arms Master
Hard Target
Iron Jaw
Rapid Reload
Resistance (Fear)
Side Step
Sound Constitution x6
True Grit

*** SKILLS (2350 XP) ***
Low Gothic (Int) *free
Drive (Ground Vehicle) (Per) *free
Awareness (Per)
Carouse (T) *200
Ciphers (Acolyte)
Command (Fel)
Common Lore (War) *200
Dodge (Ag) +10
Intimidate (Str) +10
Literacy (Int) *300
Navigate (Surface)
Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis) *200
Secret Tongue (Military)
Silent Move (Ag) *250 [bonus +30 from stummer]
Survival (Int) [bonus +10 from Exploder]
Tech-Use (Int) *200

*** GEAR ***
"Pockback", spec ops light suit  (16 kg):
* Carapace armor (5 AP @ all)
* Stummer circuit (+30 @ silent move)
* Clip/drop harness
* Breath filters (+30 & reroll @ resisting gas)
* Tactical interface:
** Microbead
** Photo-visor, good quality (flash-blocking)
** IR-visor
** Magnoculars
** Auspex link

Skullchain of steel, holy charm (feat. dog tags)
Ironclad volume of "Tactica Imperialis Excerpts" by Saint General Grandt
Equipment harness:
* Combi-tool
* Data-slate
* Grapnel & line
* The 9-70 entrenching tool
* Personal basics (mess kit, grooming kit, sarge's whistle, etc)
* Thrones: few
* De-Tox, dose x2
* Frenzon, dose x2
* Rad-Tab, dose x1
* Stimm, dose x2
* Synth-skin, dose x2
Grenade sling:
* Frag, x2
* Krak, x2
* Photon flash, x2

"Exploder", survival knife (1d5+3 R, pen 2, unbalanced, +10 @ survival)

"Satura Proxy", close quarters combat device (range 30m, S/2/6, 1d10+4, clip 12/FULL, reliable, scatter, RDLS, extra grip)
* Fire Selector:
** Regular shells, x12
** Blazer shells, x12
** Man-stopper slugs, x12 (no scatter)
* Spare ammo:
** Regular shells, x60
** Blazer shells, x6
** Man-stopper slugs, x24

"Thollos", Orthlak mk.IV standard-issue spec ops sidearm (range 30m, S/-/6, 1d10+4, clip 12/FULL, RDLS)
* Spare ammo x24