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Latest revision as of 16:39, 25 June 2007

Kaboom Male Gnome [Dragonlance] Abjurer [PHB 2 variant] 3

Used books:          
- Complete Arcane
- Planar Handbook
- Dragonlance Campaign Setting
[Point Buy]
Str  8 ( 0 pts)
Dex 16 (10 pts)
Con 16 (10 pts)
Int 16 (10 pts)
Wis 10 ( 0 pts)
Cha  8 ( 0 pts)
[Final Stats]
Str  6 -2
Dex 18 +4
Con 16 +3
Int 18 +3
Wis  8 -1
Cha  8 -1
HP = 2d4 + 9 = 4 + 5 + 9 = 18

Full  10 (base) + 4 (Dex) + 1 (size) = 15
Touch 10 (base) + 4 (Dex) + 1 (size) = 15
Flat  10 (base) +         + 1 (size) = 11
Init +8
BAB  +1
Grap -5
Speed 20 ft/x4
Fort +1 (Wiz3)             +3 (Con) = +4
Ref  +1 (Wiz3)             +4 (Dex) = +5
Will +3 (Wiz3) +2 (racial) -1 (Wis) = +4
AB: + 1 (BAB) + 1 (size) + 4 (Dex) + 1 (Mwk) = +7
Dam: 1d6 x20

Range Touch Spells and Rays
AB: + 1 (BAB) + 1 (size) + 4 (Dex) = +6
Small, 3'4" tall, 70 wt, 72 yrs old
Подстрижен под ежик, черные волосы, зеленые глаза, белый
Speaks common, gnome, dwarven, ogre, ergot, solamnian
Skills (36 - wizard)
Name                     Wiz2 Rank Misc Stat  Sum
Appraise                   0    0   +3   +4   + 7
Concentration              6    6    0   +3   + 9
Hide                       0    0   +4   +4   + 8
Knowledge (arcana)         6    6   +2   +4   +12
Knowledge (dungeoneering)  6    6   +2   +4   +12
Knowledge (planes)         6    6   +2   +4   +12
Knowledge (religion)       6    6   +2   +4   +12
Listen                     0    0    0   -1   - 1
Move Silently              0    0    0   +4   + 4
Search                     0    0    0   +3   + 3
Spellcraft                 6    6   +2   +4   +12
Spot                       0    0    0   -1   - 1
[Character level 1]
- Sudden Still               
[Abjurer bonus]
- Scribe Scroll
[Character level 3]
- Improved Initiative                     
Gnome Traits
- +2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Wis, -2 Str
- Small, land speed 20 ft.
- +2 racial bonus Craft (Alchemy)
- Guild Affinity (Sage): +2 racial bonus all Knowledge
- +2 racial bonus on Will save, because of Life Quest
- Automatic languages: common, gnome.
- Bonus languages: dwarven, ergot, ogre, solamnic.
Abjurer abilities:
- bonus feats
- Urgent shield 4/day
- Banned schools:
  Necromancy, Enchantment
- Fly                                   375
- Dispel Magic                          375
- Ebon Eyes  x2                          50
- Shield     x1                          50

Write spells to spellbook:              400

Alchemist's Fire x5                     100

Potion of CLW    x2                     100

Small Light Crossbow Mwk                335
Bolts x20                                 2

Ink x5                                   40
Inkpen x10                                1

- Dragonhide cover                      200
- 100 paper pages                        20
- Slipcase                               20

Paper spellbook with slipcase            45

Spell components                          5

Кружка, ложка, нож, миска, 3 комплекта 
одежды, бэкпак и прочая 
туристистическая хня                     40

На руках                                242
Abjurer spells:
0 level:
1 level (3[1st level] + 4[Int] + 2[2nd level)
  Magic Missile, Shield, Protection from Evil, Benign Transposition, 
  Resist Plane Alignment, Ebon Eyes, Swift Expeditios Retreat, Mage Armor, 
2 level (2 [3rd level])
  Combust, Arcane Turmoil, Invisibility, Scorching Ray

- Light
- Detect magic x2
- Prestidigitation x2

- Magic Missile
- Nerveskitter
- Benign Transposition
- Mage Armor [s]

- Scorching Ray x2
- Arcane Turmoil [s]
Current HP: 14