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Name: Druenn d'Kundarak
LN Dwarf (aleithian) Male (adult)
Medium Humanoid (dwarf, psionic)
Rogue 3 / Silver Key [DrM] 4 / Dungeon Delver [CV] 3
Deity: Aureon

---{ ABILITIES / PB 32 }---
STR 11(03) + 1(item)                      = 12(+1)
DEX 16(10)                                = 16(+3)
CON 14(06) + 2(race)                      = 16(+3)
INT 17(13) + 2(race) + 2(HD)   + 3 (item) = 24(+7)
WIS  8(00)                                =  8(-1)
CHA  8(00) - 4(race)                      =  4(-3)

Init : +3 (+3 dex)
Speed: 20 ft. (20 ft in armor)
HP   : 10d6 + 30 = 63
AP   : 3/3

BAB : +7
Grpl: 8 = 7(BAB) + 1(str)
Trip: 1 = 1(str)
Bull: 1 = 1(str)

[Shortbow +11/+6 ranged 1d6+1 (x3)]
  Attack Bonus: +7(BAB) + 3(dex) + 1(mwk)
  Damage: 1d6 + 1(str) [+2d6 sneak attack] [+2d6 against constructs & objects]

[Short sword +7/+2 melee 1d6+1 (19-20/x2)]
  Attack Bonus: +7(BAB) + 1(str) + 1(mwk) - 2(flaw)
  Damage: 1d6 + 1(str) [+2d6 sneak attack] [+2d6 against constructs & objects]

Full : 21 = 10 + 3(dex) + 5(armor) + 3(shield)
Touch: 13 = 10 + 3(dex)
FlatF: 18 = 10 + 5(armor) + 3(shield)

* +6 = +2 (Trap Sense) + 4 (Trap Engineer) dodge AC against traps

Fort: +11 = 1(rogue) +1(silver key) +3(dungeon delver) +3(con) +1(resistance) +2(luck)
Refl: +14 = 3(rogue) +4(silver key) +3(dungeon delver) +3(dex) +1(resistance)
Will: +06 = 1(rogue) +4(silver key) +1(dungeon delver) -1(wis) +1(resistance)
* +2 racial bonus on Fort saving throws against poison
* +2 racial bonus on Will saving throws against psionics
* +6 = +2 (Trap Sense) + 4 (Trap Engineer) bonus on Reflex saves against traps
* 4/day reroll (combined with Disable Device, Open Lock or Sleight of Hand rerolls)

---{ SKILLS / 155 / 8 }---
10 Balance               1(rogue)+2(silver key)+2(dungeon delver)+3(dex)+2(synergy, Tumble)
11 Climb                 1(rogue)+6(silver key)+1(dungeon delver)+1(str)+2(circumstance, kit)
08 Craft(armorsmithing)  1(rogue)+7(int)
08 Craft(weaponsmithing) 1(rogue)+7(int)
24 Disable Device        6(rogue)+4(silver key)+3(dungeon delver)+7(int)+2(circumstance, keys)+2(competence, keys)
21 Hide                  6(rogue)+4(silver key)+3(dungeon delver)+3(dex)+5(competence, cloak)
12 Knowledge (arch&eng)  5(rogue)+7(int)
12 Knowledge (dung)      4(rogue,cc)+1(dungeon delver)+7(int)
12 Listen                6(rogue)+4(silver key)+3(dungeon delver)-1(wis)
16 Move Silently         6(rogue)+4(silver key)+3(dungeon delver)+3(dex)
20 Open Lock             6(rogue)+4(silver key)+3(dungeon delver)+3(dex)+2(circumstance, keys)+2(competence, keys)
25 Search                6(rogue)+4(silver key)+3(dungeon delver)+7(int)+5(lens)
04 Sleight of Hand       1(silver key)+3(dex)
17 Spot                  6(rogue)+4(silver key)+3(dungeon delver)-1(wis)+5(mask)
08 Spellcraft            1(silver key)+7(int)
18 Tumble                6(rogue)+2(silver key)+5(dungeon delver)+3(dex)+2(competence, boots)
10 Use Rope              7(rogue)+3(dex)
5 sp left
Speaks: Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Terran, Undercommon
Skill Tricks: Corner Perch, Point it Out, Speedy Ascent, Spot the Weak Point

* +2 racial, +2 competence (dungeon delver) bonus on Search checks to notice unusual stonework
* +2 racial bonus on Craft checks that are related to crystal, metal, or stone
* +2 circumstance (keys) bonus on Search checks to find traps
* +2 (silver key), +2 insight (silver key) bonus on Disable Device, Search and Spellcraft checks involving traps
* +2 (Trap Engineer) bonus on Disable Device and Search checks to find or disarm traps after first in the same dungeon
* +2 (synergy, Knowledge (arch&eng)) bonus on Search checks involving secret doors
* +2 (synergy, Knowledge (dung)), +2 (dungeon delver) bonuses on Survival checks when underground
* +2 (synergy, Search) bonus on Survival checks when following tracks
* +2 (synergy, Tumble) bonus on Jump checks
* +2 (synergy, Use Rope) bonus on Climb checks involving climbing ropes and on Escape Artist checks when escaping from rope bonds
* +2 (competence, Expert Demolitionist) on Craft, Disable Device, and Knowledge (arch&eng) checks to demolish, tunnel through, or otherwise degrade the structural integrity of an object or building (or to plan to do so)

# Search: 24 (base) + 4 (stone) + 8 (traps) + 2 (secret doors)
# Disable Device: 23 (base) + 6 (traps)
# Spellcraft: 8 (base) + 4 (traps)

1 Listen or Spot
1 Balance, Climb, or Tumble
1 Disable Device
4 Disable Device, Open Lock or Sleight of Hand (or failed saving throw)

---{ FEATS }---
01[FLW]: Dodge
01[CHR]: Lucky Fingers [CS]
03[CHR]: Unbelievable Luck [CS]
06[CHR]: Trap Engineer [DS]
09[CHR]: Survivor's Luck [CS]

Flaws: Noncombatant

[Dwarf (aleithian)]
  [Ex] Darkvision 60 ft.
  [Ex] Stonecunning
  [Ex] Light Sensitivity
  [Ex] +2 racial bonus on Fort saving throws against poison
  [Ex] +2 racial bonus on Will saving throws against psionics
  [Ex] +2 racial bonus on Craft checks that are related to crystal, metal, or stone
  [Ps] 3/day: Empty Mind (ML 1)

[Rogue: racial subst. levels 1, 3 [Dragon 338]]
  [--] Sneak Attack +2d6
  [--] Trapfinding
  [Ex] Evasion
  [Ex] Trap Sense +1
  [Ex] Demolitionist
  [Ex] Expert Demolitionist
[Silver Key]
  [--] Armored Abjuration
  [--] Heir's Mark
  [Ex] Trap Master +2
  [Ex] Wardsense
  [Su] Crafty hands
  [Sp] Invisibility (1/day, CL10)
[Dungeon Delver]
  [Ex] Darkvision +30 ft.
  [Ex] Deep Survival
  [Ex] Trap Sense +1
  [Sp] Reduce (3/day, CL3)
  [Ex] Stonecunning
  [Sp] Augury (1/day, CL3)
  [Ex] Skill Mastery (Balance, Climb, Disable Device, Hide, Move Silently, Open Lock, Spot, Search)

---{ GEAR }---
BODY SLOT                 ITEM
Head                      Headband of Int +3
Face                      Raptor's mask
Throat                    Chronocharms
Shoulders                 Cloak of elvenkind
Body                      Mithral chain shirt +1
Torso                     Vest of resistance +1
Hands                     Gloves of manual prowess
Ring (right)              
Ring (left)
Feet                      Acrobat boots

Explorer's Outfit                    10 gp   8 lb
Адвенчурная херота (тм)              15 gp

Camouflage kit x2 [CV]               80 gp  10 lb (in HHH)
Climber's kit                        80 gp   5 lb (in HHH)
Collapsible pole [DS]                20 gp   8 lb (in HHH)
Drill, iron [DS]                     10 gp   1 lb (in HHH)
Grappling hook                        1 gp   4 lb (in HHH)
Grappling ladder, 20 ft [DS]         75 gp  14 lb (in HHH)
Listening cone [DS]                 0.2 gp   1 lb (in HHH)
Rope, silk, 150 ft                   30 gp  15 lb (in HHH)
Rubber ball x3 [DS]                   9 gp
Sundark goggles [RotD]               10 gp

Mwk composite (+1 Str) shortbow     450 gp   2 lb
Arrow x60                             3 gp   9 lb (in HHH)
Arrow, cold iron x40                  4 gp   6 lb (in HHH)
Arrow, alchemical silver x40         82 gp   6 lb (in HHH)

Mwk short sword (crafted)           103 gp   2 lb

Mithral chain shirt +1 (crafted)   1367 gp  12.5 lb
Mithral heavy shield +1 (crafted)  1340 gp   7.5 lb

Acrobat boots [MIC],               1800 gp   1 lb
  (3 charges, +10/+15/+20 ft. speed for 1 round)
of agile leaping [MIC]
  (Dex instead of Str to Jump checks; stand from prone as swift action w/o AoO)
Cloak of elvenkind                 2500 gp   1 lb
Chronocharms [MIC]:
  of the Celestial Wanderer         500 gp
    (1/day reroll Listen or Spot)
  of the Fateweaver                 500 gp
    (1/day reroll Balance, Climb, or Tumble)
  of the Grand Master               500 gp
    (1/day gain +5 dodge AC against range attack)
  of the Horizon Walker             500 gp
    (1/day move 10 ft as swift action)
  of the Laughing Rogue             500 gp
    (1/day reroll Disable Device)
Gloves of manual prowess [MIC],    4500 gp
of Strength +1
  (3 charges, +5/+7/+10 competence bonus on single Disable Device, Forgery, Open Lock, Sleight of Hand, or Use Rope check)
Headband of Int +3                 9000 gp
Lens of Detection                  3500 gp   1 lb (in HHH)
Raptor's mask [MIC]                3500 gp
  (immunity to blindness and dazzling effects)
Vest of resistance +1              1000 gp   1 lb

Heward's handy haversack           2000 gp   5 lb
Warder's keys [DrM]                1000 gp



Total Weight: 40/43 lb, HHH: 80/120 lb

--> sh1z                            600 gp
Money: 6911 gp

---{ SOURCE INDEX }---
* Books Index
* Homerulzuz
* The Legend of Sardior, Part 2
* wRAR