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Revision as of 09:35, 31 January 2007


Human Male Druid [PHB II] 1
Medium Humanoid


str 16 | +3 (10 pts)
dex 16 | +3 (10 pts)
con 14 | +2 (6 pts)
int 10 | 0  (2 pts)
wis 12 | +1 (4 pts)
cha 8  | -1 (0 pt)

HP 13 (1d8+5)

Init +7
Bab +0
Grapple +3

AC 16 (10 + 3 armor + 3 (dex)), Touch 13, FF 13
Speed 30 ft (no armor, light load)

Fort +4 (+2 drd + 2 con)
Ref  +3 (+3 dex)
Will +3 (+2 drd + 1 will)

Melee: +3 str = +3
Damage (with quarterstaff): 1d6+3

Skills (20sp):
+7 Survival (4 rank + 1 wis + 2 nature sense)
+6 Knowledge (Nature, 4 rank + 2 nature sense)
+6 Concentration (4 rank + 2 con)
+5 Heal (4 rank + 1 wis)
+5 Listen (4 rank + 1 wis)

[HB]  Improved Initiative
[1HD] Toughness

Human Traits:
Bonus Feat
Bonus Skill Points

Druid Abilities:
[su] Shapeshift [PHB II]
[ex] Nature Sense
[ex] Wild Empathy


GEAR (50gp)

Studded leather (25gp, worn)
Quarterstaff (free)
Explorer's Outfit (free)

Backpack (2gp):
Bedroll (1sp)

Alchemist Fire x1 20gp

2 gp 9 sp left


Spells (3|2, 1SL, 1CL)
0 - Detect Magic, Know Direction, Light
1 - Vigor, lesser [SpC], Entangle


Shapeshift form: wolf

str 20
dex 16
con 14

AC 17 (+4 natural + 3 dex), Touch 13, FF 14
Speed 50ft

Melee: +5 str = +5
Damage (bite): 1d6+5

Source Index:
PHBII - Players Handbook II
SpC - Spell Compendium