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Male Dwarf Wizard 1

Used books:
- PHB 3.5
- Complete Arcane
[Point Buy]
Str 14 ( 6 pts)
Dex 10 ( 2 pts)
Con 14 ( 6 pts)
Int 16 (10 pts)
Wis 10 ( 2 pts)
Cha 10 ( 2 pts)
[Final Stats & Mods]
Str 14 +2
Dex 10 +0
Con 16 +3
Int 16 +3
Wis 10 +0
Cha  8 -1
HP = 1d4 + 3 = 4 + 3 = 7
Full  10 (base) = 10
Touch 10 (base) = 10
Flat  10 (base) = 10
Init +0
BAB  +0
Grap +2
Speed 20 ft/x4
Fort +0 (Wiz1) +3 (Con) = +3
Ref  +0 (Wiz1) +0 (Dex) = +0
Will +2 (Wiz1) +0 (Wis) = +2
Melee Attacks:
AB: +0 (BAB) + 2 (Str) = +2
Dam: 1d6 + 2 (Str)
Crit: 20/x3

AB: +0 (BAB) + 2 (Str) = +2
Dam: 1d6 + 2 (Str)
Crit: 20/x3
Medium, 5'6" tall, 130 wt, 21 yrs old
Короткие темно-русые волосы, карие глаза, белый :)
Speaks common, dwarven, terran, giant, orc.
Skills (20 - wizard)
Name                     Wiz1 Ftr0 Rnm0 Rank Misc Stat  Sum
Concentration              4              4    0   +3   + 7
Craft (Stoneworking)       4              4   +4   +3   +11
Knowledge (arcane)         4              4    0   +3   + 7
Knowledge (planes)         4              4    0   +3   + 7
Spellcraft                 4              4    0   +3   + 7
[Character level 1]
- Sudden Silent
Dwarf Traits
- +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma
- Medium
- Dwarf base land speed is 20 feet. However, dwarves can move at
this speed even when wearing medium or heavy armor or whose
speed is reduced in such conditions).
- Darkvision: Dwarves can see in the dark up to 60 feet. 
- Stonecunning
- Weapon Familiarity
- Stability
- +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison
- +2 racial bonus on saving throws against spells and spell-like effects
- +1 racial bonus to attack rolls against orcs (including half-orcs)
  and goblinoids (including goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears)
- +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against monsters of the giant type
  (such as ogres, trolls, and hill giants)
- +2 racial bonus on Appraise checks that are related to stone or metal items
- +2 racial bonus on Craft checks that are related to stone or metal:
- Automatic Languages: Common and Dwarven. 
- Bonus Languages: Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, Terran, and Undercommon. 
- Favored Class: Fighter. 
- Scribe Scroll
- School Speciality: Abjuration
- Prohibited: Enchantment, Necromancy.
Spellbook                               15

Spear                                    2

Longspear                                5

Stonecunning Tools, Mwk                 50

Кружка, ложка, нож, миска, 3 комплекта 
одежды, бэкпак и прочая 
туристистическая хня                    40

На руках                                 8
Spells known (all/6 (base)):
0 - all
1st - Color Spray (PH), Shield (PH), True Strike (PH), Enlarge(PH),
      Mage Armor (PH), Magic Missile (PH)

Spells prepared (CL 1 = 1 (wiz)):

0 lvl (3, DC 13)
- Detect Magic x2
- Acid Splash

1 lvl (1+1, DC 14)
- Color Spray
- Shield [school]