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Revision as of 17:55, 25 December 2006

Jim Niashki
LN Human Male (adult)
Swashbuckler 1
Deity: none

---{ Abilities }---
STR 12(+1) 
DEX 18(+4)
CON 10(+0) 
INT 14(+2)
WIS  8(-1) 
CHA  8(-1)

Init: +8 (+4 dex +4 II)
HP  : 1d10 = 10
AP  : 5

BAB : +1
Grapple: 1(BAB) + 1(str) = 2

To Hit:
Rapier +6 melee (1d6+1 18-20/x2)

AC  : 10 +4(dex) + 3(armor) = 17
*Touch: 14
*FlatF: 13

Fort: +2(Swa)+0(Con)  = 2
Refl: +0(Swa)+4(Dex)  = 4 
Will: +0(Swa)-1(Wis)  = -1

---{ SKILLS }---
07 Tumble             04(+4Dex)(-1 ACP)
07 Balance            04(+4Dex)(-1 ACP) 
04 Jump               04(+1Str)(-1 ACP)
03 Sense Motive       04(-1Wis)
03 Bluff              04(-1Cha)
07 Esape Artist       04(+4Dex)(-1 ACP)
04 Climb              04(+1Str)(-1 ACP)

Speaks: Common,Elven,Gnome

---{ FEATS }---
1[HUM]: Improved Initiative
1[CHR]: Weapon Focus(rapier)

Human traits
- +4 skillpoints at 1st lvl
- +1 skillpoint  at each lvl
- +1 bonus feat at 1st lvl

[Ex] Weapon Finesse

---{ ITEMS }--- 
Explorer's Outfit
Trail Ration(2)
Studded Leather Armor

Gold 100 gp