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Logan Graystone
Male Human
Cleric(Sovereign Host) 4
Domains - Travel and Magic
Neutral Good
Place of Birth - Aundair
Documents - id papers, traveling papers

Str 10 +0 (2 pts)
Dex 12 +1 (4 pts)
Con 14 +2 (6 pts)
Int 14 +2 (6 pts)
Wis 16 +3 (8 pts +1 lvl)
Cha 14 +2 (6 pts)

Hit Points 4d8+8 = 8+4+5+4+8 = 29 hp
horse = 22-21
AP = 7

AC    15 = 10(base)+1(dex)+3(armor)+1(shield)
Touch 11 = 10(base)+1(dex)+3(armor)+1(shield)
Flat  14 = 10(base)+3(armor)+1(shield)

Init +1

BAB +3, Grap +3
Speed 20 ft (base 30, medium load 55/33, light armor)

Fort +7 = 4(base)+2(con)+1(res)
Ref  +2 = 0(base)+1(dex)+1(res)
Will +8 = 4(base)+3(wis)+1(res)

+3 Melee, Longsword, 1d8, 19-20/x2
AB = 3(bab)+0(str)

+3 Melee Touch
+4 Ranged Touch

Medium size, 5'8" tall, 130 wt, 25 yrs old
black hair, green eyes, white skin

Speaks Common, Elven and Draconic

+9  Concentration (7)
+10 Diplomacy (7) +1 competence
+9  Knowledge: Arcana (7)
+9  Knowledge: Religion (7)
+11 Spellcraft (7) +2 synergy

Quicken Spell                     [1 lvl]
Divine Metamagic: Quicken Spell   [bonus human]
Worldly Focus                     [3 lvl]

Human Traits:
Favored Multiclass: Any
+4 Skill Points on 1 st lvl
+1 Skill Point per lvl
Bonus Feat on 1 st lvl

Cleric Abilities:
Proficiency with all simple weapon
Proficiency with all armor and shield.
Turn Undead: 5/day
Turning Check +4 (Cha + synergy)
Domains - Travel and Magic

Spells Per Day 5/4+1/3+1
- 0 lvl - 
Detect Magic x2, Detect Undead x2, Virtue
- 1 lvl - DC 13
Bless Light of Lunia[SpC] Vigor[SpC] Protection From Evil Longstrider(D)
- 2 lvl - DC 14
Bull's Strength, Magic Circle against Evil x2 Locate Object(D)

1000 gp - Vest of Resistance +1 (worn, 1 lb wt)
1000 gp - Pearl of Power I (worn)
500 gp  - Quaal's feather token, Whip (on belt)
25 gp   - Studded Leather (worn, 20 lb wt)
3 gp    - Shield, Light wooden (worn, 5 lb wt)
15 gp   - Longsword (worn, 4 lb wt)
5 gp    - Spell component pouch (worn, 2 lb wt)
1 gp    - Traveler's outfit (worn, 5 lb wt)
1 gp    - Holy Symbol, Wooden (worn)
5 gp    - Signet Ring(worn)

2 gp    - Backpack (worn, 2 lb wt)
1 gp    - 2 x Ration, trail (2 lb)
1 gp    - Holy Symbol, Wooden (in backpack)
1 sp    - Bedroll (in backpack, 5 lb wt)
10 gp   - Rope, silk 50ft (in backpack, 5 lb wt)
10 gp   - Mirror, Small Steel (in backpack, 0.5 lb wt)
8 gp    - Ink (in backpack, 1 oz vial)
1 gp    - Case, map or scroll (in backpack, 0.5 lb)
1 gp    - 25 x Paper (sheet)
1 gp    - Grappling Hook (in backpack, 4 lb wt)
1 sp    - Inkpen

1298 gp 8 sp left

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