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Серж Валентайн [ECL5]
Male Human Scout 2/Fighter 2/Scout 1

Used books:          
- Complete Adventurer
- Unearthed Arcana
[Point Buy]
Str 10 ( 2 pts)
Dex 18 (16 pts)
Con 14 ( 6 pts)
Int 14 ( 6 pts)
Wis 10 ( 2 pts)
Cha  8 ( 0 pts)
[Final Stats]
Str 10 +0
Dex 19 +4
Con 14 +2
Int 14 +2
Wis 10 +0
Cha  8 -1
HP = 3d8 + 2d10 + 8 = 38

AP 7

Full  10 (base) + 4 (Dex) + 4 (Armor) = 18
Touch 10 (base) + 4 (Dex)             = 14
Flat  10 (base) +         + 4 (Armor) = 14
Init +5
BAB  +4
Grap +4
Speed 30 ft/x4
Fort +1 (Sct3) +3 (Ftr2) +1 (competence) +2 (Con) = +7
Ref  +3 (Sct3) +0 (Ftr2) +0 (competence) +4 (Dex) = +7
Will +1 (Sct3) +0 (Ftr2) +0 (competence) +0 (Wis) = +1
Ranged Attacks:
Crossbow, Heavy Repeating + 1
AB: +4 (BAB) + 4 (Dex) + 1 (Masterwork) + 1 (PBS, 30 ft only) = +9 (+10)
Dam: 1d10 + 2 (Dex) + 1d6 (skirmish, 60 ft only) + 1 (PBS, 30 ft only) + 1 (magic) = 1d10 + 1d6 + 4
Range: 120 ft
Crit: 19-20/x2

Light Crossbow
AB: +4 (BAB) + 4 (Dex) + 1 (PBS, 30 ft only) = +8 (+9)
Dam: 1d8 + 1d6 (skirmish, 30 ft only) + 1 (PBS, 30 ft only) = 1d8 + 1d6 + 1
Range: 80 ft
Crit: 19-20/x2
Medium, 6'0" tall, 190 wt, 18 yrs old
Короткие ярко-рыжие волосы, карие глаза, белый :)
Speaks common, goblin, elven.
Skills (66 - scout, 10 - fighter)
Name                     Sct2 Ftr2 Sct1 Rank AP Misc Stat  Sum
Disable Device             1              1   0  +2   +2   +5 
Escape Artist              5              5  -1   0   +4   +8
Gather Information         4              4   0  -1   +3   +3
Hide                       5    4    1    8  -1  +1   +4   +12
Jump                            6         6  -1   0    0   +5
Knowledge (geography)      5              5   0   0   +2   +7
Knowledge (dungeoneering)  5              5   0   0   +2   +7
Listen                     5              5   0   0    0   +5 
Move Silently              5              5  -1   0   +4   +8 
Search                     5         3    8   0   0   +2   +10
Sense Motive                         4    4   0   0    0   +4
Spot                       5         3    8   0   0    0   +8 
Survival                   5              5   0  +2    0   +8
Tumble                     5              5  -1  +2   +4   +10
- Noncombatant
[Flaw bonus]
- Dodge       
[Character level 1]
- Point Blank Shot
[Human bonus]
- Precise Shot
[Character level 3]
- Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Heavy Repeating Crossbow)
[Fighter level 1]
- Weapon Focus (Heavy Repeating Crossbow)
[Fighter level 2]
- Crossbow Sniper
Human Traits
- 1 free feat at 1st level
- 1 free skill at each level
- 4 free skills at 1st level
Scout abilities:
- Scirmish +1d6 +1 АС
- Trapfinding
- Battle Fortitude +1: +1 (competence) to Fort & Init
- Uncanny Dodge: can't be caught Flat Footed
- Fast Movement +10 ft
- Trackless step
Fighter abilities:
- bonus feats
Light Crossbow x1                   
Masterwork Crossbow, Heavy Repeating+1  2700
Magazins for Crossbow
Bolts x95                               
Bolts x50 Cold Iron                       10
Bolts x20 Silver, Alchemical              42


Mwk Chainshirt

Masterwork Thieves Tools                  30

Enlarge, potion x4                       200
Cure Light Wounds, potion x1             

Кружка, ложка, нож, миска, 3 комплекта 
одежды, бэкпак и прочая 
туристистическая хня                      40

Darkweave traveler outfit

Alchemist Fire x3

Thieves tools

Old map

На руках                                  64
                                         150 pp

Current HP: 38
Current AP:  5