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Latest revision as of 18:17, 3 July 2016

[18:14:58] <@Fats> The runners set out for a bit of sea fishing. They pass the Golden Horn Bay, the EVO headquarters and the Russian Island, and journey out into the open sea, where the Loza-618 awaits.
[18:14:58] <@Fats> The sky is solid gray, no hint of the sun visible; the sea matches it in colour. As Che speads the boat up, salty droplets start flying into the cockpit.
[18:16:21] <Kit_on_Boat> - Reminds me of that 'Peter' city they told me not to visit. Can't tell sky from sea from asfalt from people most days they say
[18:17:54] <Nebokhod> - Yeah, it's like that, though can't stay that my stay hrer was very long.
[18:18:03] <Nebokhod> *can't say
[18:18:04] * Finch is now known as Red_S
[18:18:34] <Red_S> -Just looks like typical Siberia to me.
[18:20:32] <Nebokhod> *looks around* - Wait, who had the taiga stolen while i wasn't watching?
[18:20:32] <Che> - Hm, clouds are good, when you need to hide some spying drones...
[18:21:21] * Kit_on_Boat looks at fishing equipment, trying to find any differences from river fishing rods his family used back in UCAS
[18:22:38] <@Fats> Kit, the spinnings that Gears keeps in the boat seem familiar enough.
[18:23:56] <Red_S> -Can drones see through clouds?
[18:24:07] * Che casually drives the boat along busy lines lokking for some quiet place not so far from platform.
[18:24:18] * Kit_on_Boat checks the spinnings, mostly to NOT look at the speed and sheer amount of water around
[18:24:20] <Che> - Depends on drone package.
[18:25:15] <Che> - But usually you don't need to be on the other side of clouds.
[18:25:36] <Red_S> -Well we need to find some way to approach without getting blown to pieces.
[18:25:46] <Red_S> *did Katja find anything by the way?
[18:27:02] <Kit_on_Boat> * I rememeber last time the idea to hack the radar similarly to what we did on the train
[18:27:18] <Kit_on_Boat> * afterwards there are all kinds of fun you can do
[18:27:56] <@Fats> Che, Ussuri Bay is quite alive with ships, but they mostly go east or south to Japan; so you keep north-east, shore in sight.
[18:28:54] <Nebokhod> - Are we there yet?
[18:29:08] <Che> * Are there any small islands or comfy bays, to hide behind/in?
[18:29:42] <@Fats> In an hour you reach Bolshoy Kamen town, and then it's a ride south towards Askold Island if you're looking for a bay that'd let you see the Loza-618.
[18:30:21] <@Fats> You pass marinas and beaches as Vladivostok's holiday infrastructure glides pass your speeding boat.
[18:30:33] <Red_S> *holiday infrastructure?
[18:31:33] <@Fats> * Red_S, well, Ussuri Bay has sandy beaches, so Vladivostok denizens spend their holidays there
[18:31:49] <Red_S> *sounds like a lousy place to vacation but ok
[18:32:17] <@Fats> * http://vladivostok.travel/upload/resize_cache/iblock/def/800_450_2/defccd85e457b2793afb7c4baacb5f47.jpg
[18:32:37] * Red_S taps her foot impatiently, the dark circles underneath her eyes seem more pronounced than usual.
[18:33:20] <Kit_on_Boat> * is it one sunny day per year?
[18:33:27] <Nebokhod> * it's november here, so duh, summer should a lot nicer
[18:33:32] <Che> - Hey, Red, can you relax, start enjoing the ride and be a little less conspicious?
[18:33:33] <Nebokhod> *be
[18:33:55] <Red_S> -We're on the job, not here to relax.
[18:34:27] <@Fats> * Kit_on_Boat, August and September are sunny there.
[18:34:39] <Nebokhod> - The whole point is to not look like we are on the job
[18:34:45] <@Fats> * Che, so, Askold Island?
[18:35:01] <Che> * mmm, probably.
[18:35:38] <Che> * Can we hide behind it and/or make observation post on it to spy on platform?
[18:37:11] <@Fats> Red_S, as you are nearing the Askold Island, a message from Katja floats up in your field of view. So far she's been able to find the installation's map in some military host, as it was back when the brass was using it.
[18:37:15] <Che> * (while looking like casual fishers or corpers on a picnic)
[18:37:31] <@Fats> http://danvolodar.ru/files/Shadowrun/Loza-618%20Top.png http://danvolodar.ru/files/Shadowrun/Loza-618%20Center.png http://danvolodar.ru/files/Shadowrun/Loza-618%20Bottom.png
[18:38:10] <@Fats> Che, sure, it's a popular enough fishing destination, rudd and atka mackerel are said to be common there.
[18:38:13] <Red_S> -Well... It seems like they have a shit ton of missiles. Or at least they HAD some.
[18:38:41] <@Fats> * A roll of Military knowledge, anyone who has it
[18:38:51] <Red_S> *what's that beepx thing?
[18:38:56] <Red_S> *oh I should have that one moment
[18:39:12] <Nebokhod> 11#sd
[18:39:14] <ur_dnd_bot> Nebokhod: (pool 11) 5 hits
[18:39:39] <Red_S> *ah I guess I don't. Though I probably should, oh well
[18:39:57] * Che circles the island looking for a nice spot to park boat.
[18:39:59] <Kit_on_Boat> - I would say your all-seeing drone should check how much they have now. If I'd guess - very little from the old days, as those would be out of operation by now, but possibly some new ones
[18:40:08] <Che> - Now we're here.
[18:40:54] <Red_S> -Though I don't know if it would be wise to approach until we're sure they don't have anti-sea armament.
[18:41:20] <@Fats> * Red_S, вверх is Russian for "up", it's a visio leftover markup for stairs
[18:41:39] <Red_S> *oh I see
[18:41:41] <Nebokhod> - Well, it's either military still and they have them or it isn't and they haven't them.
[18:41:57] <Red_S> -I don't think the faceless avenger is military.
[18:42:04] <@Fats> Che, https://yandex.ru/maps/?ncrnd=6171&ll=132.331685%2C42.758011&z=14 the platform is off a dozen kilometers south-west from the Askold Island
[18:42:11] <Che> - Well, he can still have them...
[18:42:12] <Kit_on_Boat> - They definitely should have, otherwise their installation is as vulnerable as on land
[18:42:35] <Kit_on_Boat> - So our goal would be to stay boring and not warrant using one.
[18:42:36] * Retrieving #TeamA modes...
[18:42:50] <@Fats> Lucas, when the military leaves installations, they typically take everything they can with them, up to and including the armature from the concrete walls
[18:43:04] <@Fats> So it's rather unlikely they left the missiles behind.
[18:43:19] <Red_S> *I guess it was a bluff then
[18:43:44] <Che> * It's not like someone with money can't obtain some missiles, though.
[18:44:26] <Nebokhod> - Well, if Facevenger will have any defences they won't be up to military standards.
[18:44:58] <Che> - I'd better be safe, than sorry.
[18:45:42] <Red_S> -We need to get there eventually... You thinking the avenger is there or if it's just lieutennants?
[18:46:23] <Kit_on_Boat> - First thing is, he wont have military funding
[18:46:49] <Kit_on_Boat> - Even if he has missiles he cant just throw them around, obtaining them gotta be a pain
[18:47:16] <Red_S> -Looking at this map, our best bet would bet to approach from the northwest until we're underneath the machinegun nests. Then circle around and enter from the east side.
[18:47:24] <Nebokhod> - Well, it's probably the main base, the lair of the Evil Overlord so to speak.
[18:47:44] <Kit_on_Boat> - To learn that, someone *wink* will have to infiltrate. Or hack, depending on what type of security is worse in there
[18:48:16] <Kit_on_Boat> - in this case I hope it does not blow up when his heart stops. I don't like being blown up
[18:48:16] <Red_S> *the map indicates that the east side of the base is mostly uninhabited.
[18:48:18] <Che> - Yeah, so let's get started.
[18:48:23] <Red_S> -Right.
[18:49:18] <Red_S> *what time is it approximately? I think we should wait until dark.
[18:49:18] <@Fats> * waiting for your actions, runners.
[18:49:40] <@Fats> * Well you set sail in the morning, so I'd say it's around noon
[18:49:54] <Nebokhod> * why do we need the darkness?
[18:50:08] <Red_S> *so we're not seen?
[18:50:19] <Kit_on_Boat> * how far are we?
[18:50:21] <Red_S> *Then we should wait until dark, then get close by approaching from the helicopter pad as there are no machine gun nests pointed in that direction.
[18:50:29] * Che prepares and deploys fishing equipment, then starts checking with his Optic-X.
[18:50:40] <Kit_on_Boat> * from the target I mean. dozen clicks?
[18:50:53] <Che> **-with
[18:51:27] <Nebokhod> * do we have line of sight to it or it is BVR?
[18:51:28] <@Fats> Kit_on_Boat, yes, you are about a dozen km from the platform, you can vaguely see its outline in the sea haze.
[18:52:14] <Che> - Red, if you're bored you can scout and secure this island.
[18:52:36] <Red_S> *island? I thought it was an oil rig thing?
[18:53:02] <Nebokhod> * is cybereye magnigication enoigh to see the platform close up?
[18:53:18] <Che> *we're parked inside that bay on Askold island.
[18:53:21] <@Fats> Che, as your Optic-X is gaining altitude, you can feel something biting on your bait.
[18:53:47] <Red_S> *inb4 it's a sea mine
[18:54:18] <Red_S> -I'm not "bored" I'm impatient. If we don't meet the deadline I won't get my intel.
[18:54:18] * Che leaves drone to do his thing and tries to catch that thing.
[18:54:25] * Red_S accidentally says something she shouldn't have.
[18:54:30] <Nebokhod> * it is Mother Base, obv.
[18:54:56] <Nebokhod> - Oooh, revelations!
[18:54:56] <@Fats> Nebokhod, it's enough to see it better, naturally, but not as clear as day. As in: thanks to the haze, you can clearly see its outline, the control room below, the outlines of the crane and the machinegunner nests, the huge columns that anchor it to the sea bottom, etc.
[18:54:57] <Che> * drone launched away from platform to gain some altitude and dive into clouds before turning to the platform.
[18:55:36] <Kit_on_Boat> - If your deal of whatever is time-sensitive you could say that beforehand.
[18:55:38] <Nebokhod> - What's the deadline?
[18:55:47] <Red_S> *I forgot! wasn't it a week?
[18:55:52] <@Fats> The feed from the drone goes solid white-gray as it enters the cloud cover, Che; you pull out a sea cod.
[18:56:37] <Red_S> *not bad, cod do better.
[18:56:57] <Che> - Remind me for what I'm risking my life?
[18:57:08] <Red_S> -For money, what else?
[18:57:41] <@Fats> * a week, yes.
[18:57:57] <Nebokhod> * that reminds me of one of Griimm's tale, actually.
[18:58:00] <Red_S> -We have around 5 days.
[18:58:07] <Kit_on_Boat> - For the goodwill of the rest of the crime families in Gotha... I mean Vladivostok. And for ability to conduct operations without having your Johnson killed in fronta you
[18:58:11] * Red_S has not slept since she began the mission.
[18:58:31] <Che> - The problem is that amount of money doesn't warrants rushing in with almost no intelligence and against armed and outnumbering enemy.
[18:59:34] <Red_S> -Then take my share, I'm not in it for the Nuyen.
[19:00:04] * Nebokhod finds himself most comfortable seat and reclines in it.
[19:00:21] <Nebokhod> - Children, children, not now. There's a job to do.
[19:01:09] <Red_S> -If we're lucky either the Avenger is here or we can find intel that leads us to him. We have 5 days, that's plenty of time.
[19:01:11] <Nebokhod> - Incindentally, I want to look on this platform from the other side. Please, be good while i'm out.
[19:01:28] <Che> - Well, that's a nice offer, but still let's play it safe. You'll be in no need of your intel while fishes will feas on your corpse in the sea.
[19:01:30] * Nebokhod leaves his body behind.
[19:01:36] <Che> *feast
[19:01:54] <Kit_on_Boat> - Just to be clear. Your intel is a payment or it is on Avenger's body?
[19:02:31] * Che checks drone status and continues his tries to catch something.
[19:02:34] <Red_S> -The intel is just a bonus. We're still getting paid for his death. The lieutennats are just a bonus.
[19:03:04] <Nebokhod> * I am trying to carefullly approch the site on the astral.
[19:04:58] <@Fats> * Roll Infilitration, then.
[19:05:11] <Red_S> *you roll infiltration for astral stuff?
[19:05:40] <Kit_on_Boat> * I guess they have astral guards
[19:05:45] <Nebokhod> 6#sd
[19:05:45] <ur_dnd_bot> Nebokhod: (pool 6) 1 hit
[19:05:48] * Kit_on_Boat joins in on fishing action
[19:06:56] <Nebokhod> 5#sd reroll
[19:06:57] <ur_dnd_bot> Nebokhod: (pool 5) 1 hit
[19:07:40] <Che> 4#sd survival(fishing)
[19:07:40] <@Fats> Nebokhod, as you leave your unconscious body behind and fly towards the platform, glowing as it is with internal life, some other astral form moves from it to intercept you.
[19:07:40] <ur_dnd_bot> Che: (pool 4) 1 hit
[19:07:54] <@Fats> * Assensing, if you want to determine what it is
[19:08:01] <Nebokhod> 7#sd
[19:08:02] <ur_dnd_bot> Nebokhod: (pool 7) 1 hit
[19:08:43] <@Fats> It appears to be a high-power spirit of some kind.
[19:09:20] <Red_S> *probably should retreat
[19:09:27] <Nebokhod> * I move in opposite direction
[19:10:20] <@Fats> It chases you off ten kilometers from the platform, then turns to return.
[19:10:32] <Red_S> *seems like an automated guard dog
[19:10:49] <Nebokhod> * i return to the body
[19:12:22] <@Fats> You are greeted with a small shower as another cod Che's caught struggles when he pulls him out of the water
[19:13:28] <Nebokhod> - So, good news everyone! There's a high-powered spirit guarding this thing.
[19:13:43] <Kit_on_Boat> - Cool! Can you bear-hug it to death?
[19:14:20] <Red_S> *spirits can't hurt us as long as we don't go astral right?
[19:14:43] <Kit_on_Boat> * They can materialize
[19:14:44] <@Fats> * they can materialize and wreck your shit.
[19:14:46] <Nebokhod> - Alone? Maybe. Two-teaming it will be a much better idea.
[19:15:01] <Kit_on_Boat> - Who do you have in mind?
[19:15:10] <Nebokhod> - Me?
[19:16:04] <Kit_on_Boat> - So you duplicate you so we can you fighting alongside you?
[19:17:25] <Che> - May be he has some long lost twins?
[19:17:54] <Nebokhod> - Have you drank all the beer already?
[19:17:57] <Kit_on_Boat> - I just hope that twin did not secretly turn to evil
[19:18:01] <Che> - Or he is a escaped clone from a secret military project!
[19:18:12] <Che> *an
[19:18:29] <Red_S> -Hilarious, but this comedy show isn't helping. We need to deal with the spirit somehow.
[19:18:32] <Kit_on_Boat> - Or a soul twin, I read this one manga...
[19:19:49] <Nebokhod> - What I have meant it that me and my spirit will most definitely tear this critter a new metaphorical behind.
[19:19:54] <Kit_on_Boat> - Question: did spirit send message to his superiors about you?
[19:19:56] <Che> - Red, just secure the island already.
[19:20:19] <Red_S> -Fine fine, I doubt there's anything here.
[19:20:25] * Red_S heads off to scout the island I guess.
[19:20:27] <Nebokhod> - Provided i won't drop dead from summoning.
[19:20:39] <Nebokhod> - Kit, no way for me to tell.
[19:21:04] * Che checks if drone has obtained required altitude and send him to circle above the platform, hiding in clouds.
[19:21:46] <Kit_on_Boat> - Question is that you tearing him metaforical behind is a full frontal assault, right? I mean island denizens will get savvy about your magical boxing fest
[19:21:57] <@Fats> It has, Che; circling using the inertial navigation system is easy enough for you.
[19:22:15] <Che> *sends
[19:22:30] <Nebokhod> - The mage will know, and soon the rest too
[19:22:32] <Che> - Okay, what have we here...
[19:22:50] <Kit_on_Boat> - Is there any way to hide from him?
[19:23:18] * Che cicles through onboard cameras and sensors sharing feeds with the party.
[19:23:43] <@Fats> Red_S, the once you pass the beach, the island is all forested hills; garbage can be seen lying in human-height heaps after previous visitors having BBQs here. You've been unable to find neither man nor animal, though.
[19:24:03] * Red_S returns in short order.
[19:24:13] <Kit_on_Boat> *russians and barbeques. hilarious
[19:24:20] <Red_S> -Nothing at all. We're safe.
[19:24:36] <Che> - Not even mines?
[19:24:44] <Red_S> -Did you hear any explosions?
[19:25:30] <Nebokhod> - Kit, not in any meaningful way.
[19:25:44] <Che> - Maybe that was sharp and edgy mines or, i dunnu, gas ones?
[19:25:49] <Che> *o
[19:26:15] <Nebokhod> - Which means that we will be going in hard when the time comes.
[19:26:38] <Kit_on_Boat> - I'd really like not to go in hard before at least knowing headcount
[19:26:47] <Che> - I wonder if they have alarm system and protection from divers...
[19:26:49] <Red_S> -It would be preferable if we went in without alerting them all.
[19:27:04] <@Fats> Che, your visual feed is still blank, but the thermographic and magnetic ("cryptochromatic") come alive with the platform's images. It appears something very hot is inside the platform, right about where the power plant should be; as for magnetic fields, those run from that heart across the installation like blood vessels
[19:27:15] <Kit_on_Boat> - Diving is a chance as long as those things do not go underwater. Does spirit need to breath/etc?
[19:27:39] <@Fats> Curiously, though, but a handful reach the SAM cells, and none at all appear to be powered among the antiship launch cells
[19:27:46] <Kit_on_Boat> * can he try to count people in termo?
[19:27:51] <Che> - I'm afraid, that nobody here is trained diver.
[19:28:02] <Nebokhod> - Is there a water on the astral plane?
[19:28:12] <Kit_on_Boat> - You tell me
[19:28:54] <Nebokhod> - That was a rhetorical question.
[19:29:15] <@Fats> Kit_on_Boat, it's banal enough to count people in the open (nine men in the machine gun nests), but the people inside aren't hot enough to produce clear visuals.
[19:29:38] <Nebokhod> - The spirit will see our auras from astral.
[19:29:38] <Red_S> *only sexy people show up on the scanner
[19:30:22] <Red_S> -Could we lure it out here and engage it on the island?
[19:31:07] <Kit_on_Boat> - As soon as we engage it his owner will know, that's the issue
[19:31:09] * Che scans radiowaves around platform.
[19:31:25] <Nebokhod> - What is the point? The Summoner will know what the spirit knows.
[19:32:08] <Che> *also, are radars alive, or those domes are just a cold and dead?
[19:32:14] <Kit_on_Boat> - We could distract him, I guess, but I'm not sure with what. Any magical critters who are normal but painful reality?
[19:32:15] <Che> *-a
[19:32:57] <Nebokhod> 11#sd magical threats
[19:32:57] <ur_dnd_bot> Nebokhod: (pool 11) 4 hits
[19:33:04] <Kit_on_Boat> - If we had time we could lure the target himself out in the open. It could be easier than storming magically secured base
[19:33:44] <@Fats> Che, once you engage the scanner, it becomes obvious that the small air control radars in their radomes are very much alive; they glow brightly in your overlay. The large radar, not so much - perhaps it's currently off, or the locals haven't gotten to fixing it just yet
[19:34:27] <Kit_on_Boat> * what is their matrix connection? satellite or smth?
[19:34:45] <@Fats> Furthermore, in a couple of minutes of scanning you pinpoint camera hosts in the machinegun nests, the crane, the air radar control (two) and at the landing pad.
[19:34:51] <Red_S> *I think hacking is our best bet on that front
[19:35:32] <@Fats> * Kit_on_Boat, yeah, they have a sat uplink node at the top of the crane.
[19:35:39] <Kit_on_Boat> * Fats, can I hack through the drone? My own 'signal' won't cover 10 clicks
[19:36:13] <Che> * Hm, what are the chances that my drone is found via radars? Or can I say, that checking for radars was the first thing after or even before launch, and drone is out of their range?
[19:36:24] <Che> - I don't like those radars.
[19:37:12] <@Fats> * Che, what's your radio scanning equipment like?
[19:38:46] <@Fats> * Che? CHEEEEE?!!!
[19:38:56] <Che> *It's a "radio signal scanner (rating 6)" mounted ont the drone.
[19:39:25] <@Fats> * Spend an edge point to remember and check for radar signals before drone launch
[19:39:40] <Che> * ok.
[19:40:52] <Che> * judging by one of my handheld radios it should be able to scan from 1Mhz to 1Ghz at least, if there were no progress in the last 65 years.
[19:41:16] <@Fats> * Yeah, the air control radars are very much alive, that much is obvious even before you launch the drone. As are the sea-scanning AESAs on the sides of the platform. Unless you employ some sort of stealth, they're likely to discover your drone soon enough.
[19:42:38] <Che> * well clouds can block radars, especially if they got not so good versions.
[19:43:18] * Che keeps his drone away from radars and hidden in clouds.
[19:43:54] <Che> *on the other hand, my drone can be mistaken for a bird...
[19:44:21] <@Fats> * for a cloud.
[19:45:03] <Kit_on_Boat> * and not for a bear
[19:45:06] <@Fats> Okay, we're going to say everything above you've discovered from a safe distance where the radars are unlikely to see you; everything past that will take coming closer.
[19:45:22] * Che makes some adjustments, taskin drone to behave more natural, looking like a seagull on its seagull bussiness.
[19:45:51] <Kit_on_Boat> * is there sort of anti-radar coating? or would ECCM help?
[19:46:35] <Nebokhod> * both i think
[19:46:36] <Che> * only chameleon coating, displaying some feathers now.
[19:46:40] <@Fats> * Anti-radar coating is called Signature Reduction. ECM would help, too.
[19:47:00] <Kit_on_Boat> * put this in for your shopping list
[19:47:51] <Che> * also it's a small drone, dunno if radars are looking for such a small things and not aircrafts and large missiles.
[19:48:32] <Kit_on_Boat> * I would think it'd be penalty to radar's roll
[19:48:43] <Kit_on_Boat> * but still we won't know if he succeeds until we're busted
[19:49:32] <Che> * if you see missile launch from the platform it probaly wasn't/
[19:49:35] <Kit_on_Boat> * So, if we set drone to be above radar range, will I be able to hack satellite through it, or too far?
[19:49:41] <Kit_on_Boat> * fats?
[19:49:58] <Red_S> *flats
[19:50:01] <@Fats> * what's the drone's Signal rating?
[19:50:41] <Kit_on_Boat> * should be substantial for it to be able to operate above the base ATM
[19:52:00] <Che> *sensor 2, signal 4, and it has improved sensor array.
[19:53:45] <@Fats> * hmm, signal 4 is 1 km range :D (SR4AE, 222)
[19:56:16] <Kit_on_Boat> * whoopsie
[19:56:33] <Che> * Hm, you want to tell me that all that time I was unable to communicate with my drone when he was scouting things?
[19:56:55] <Kit_on_Boat> * looks like so
[19:57:51] <Che> * Are there rules for working with differend strength transceivers like in GURPS?
[19:58:39] <Che> * As my commlink has signal 5
[19:59:03] <Che> * And car too...
[19:59:21] <@Fats> * Yep, the lowest Signal is used
[20:01:10] <Che> * Well, drek.
[20:01:14] <Kit_on_Boat> * well, then we need transmitter net
[20:02:00] <Che> * Then it works on it own (clearsight 4, covert ops 4) with occasional returns back to exchange data, I suppose.
[20:02:38] <Kit_on_Boat> * I could set a sprite in drone to hack the radar, but it will be so annoying to work through
[20:02:53] <@Fats> * IC please
[20:03:22] <Kit_on_Boat> * what with Heckfy's roll for magical stuff?
[20:03:33] <@Fats> Che, your drone comes into range just as Lucas comes to his senses, and you barely manage to get the cod with all these distractions.
[20:03:48] <@Fats> What are your further commands to Optic-X while it's in range?
[20:03:57] * Che continues his fishing, while drone is busy looking like a seagull and scouting platform.
[20:05:39] * Che gets latest info from a drone and shares it with team, parking drone on a route over island to have some time to formulate next task.
[20:05:56] <Che> - So, any good ideas?
[20:07:41] <Red_S> -We need to approach from above or from below. Something they don't expect.
[20:08:29] <Che> - Judging by all those radars and scanners they expect exactly that.
[20:09:27] <Red_S> -Hmm... How do they get food all the way out there? Do you think they have supply runs?
[20:09:44] <Nebokhod> - Kit, can you make the sensors expect something other than us?
[20:10:11] <Che> - So far, I can see one way in: infiltrate with resupplying ship o something similar.
[20:10:16] <Che> *r
[20:10:48] <Kit_on_Boat> - I can as soon as I get access. Which requires close distance
[20:11:11] <Nebokhod> - How close are we talking?
[20:12:47] <Red_S> -That's the plan.
[20:13:52] <Kit_on_Boat> - THrough a good commlink can push to a kilometer maybe. Much less then we're now.
[20:15:09] <Kit_on_Boat> - Infiltrate under other face is probably the best approach.
[20:15:38] <Red_S> *other face?
[20:17:32] <Nebokhod> * we need to get satlink.
[20:18:14] <Che> - If we'll remove that spirit, then we can just hide on that ship, and stealth our way in, but with spirit, yes, someone need to look like he is on a legitimate bussiness there.
[20:18:32] <Che> *-s
[20:19:30] <Red_S> -We could hijack the shipment and pretend to be the deliverymen. Or we could hide in a box.
[20:21:27] <Nebokhod> - Hello, we are from Domino Pizza, who ordered strawberry jam and baked ham one?
[20:23:18] * Che checks pictures from drone to see if there are boats or other vessels parked near it.
[20:24:23] <@Fats> Che, there's a mooring bollard at one of the supporting columns, where the crane can reach; but no vessels are currently moored
[20:27:15] <Che> - Hm, we can find that one minotaur with his boat and nicely ask him to transport us here, but thats not stealthy at laa, at least after we'll get on the platform.
[20:27:27] <Che> *all
[20:27:46] <Red_S> *I think boarding a delivery is our best bet. After all they need to get supplies somehow. Or someone might leave and we can steal their credentials or have them smuggle us aboard.
[20:28:29] <Che> - Yeah, something like that, I'm just not sure that they'll take it lightly.
[20:30:02] <Che> - Or, I dunno, pose as some kind of clients wanting something from them?
[20:31:14] <Nebokhod> - Thing is we do not know how much supplies there is left and how soon will be next supply run.
[20:31:17] <Red_S> -That might work in a pinch, but it immediately puts eyes on us.
[20:31:40] <Che> - Yes, to both of you.
[20:32:25] <Kit_on_Boat> - If we smuggle ourselves in any kind of supply boat and do not get seen, it can work
[20:32:36] <Kit_on_Boat> - I can hack from inside the boat easily
[20:32:50] <Che> - For that we need to disable their spirit overwatch.
[20:33:05] <Kit_on_Boat> - Why?
[20:33:23] <Che> - Because it can sniff us out?
[20:33:34] <Red_S> -It might just ignore us, thinking we're part of the delivery team
[20:34:23] <Che> - Or it might alert everyone on the platform and they'll use your hiding container for target practice.
[20:34:51] <Che> - But if you wish to take that risk... Eh, be my guest, I guess?
[20:35:41] <Red_S> -I'm just naming possibilities.
[20:36:36] <Red_S> *I'm getting a headache, one moment
[20:36:44] <Kit_on_Boat> I do doubt that spirit knows exactly who is who
[20:36:58] <Nebokhod> - I heard there are some kind of portable satellite transmitters. Kit, could you work through that?
[20:38:14] <Kit_on_Boat> - If we had that, yes
[20:38:44] <Nebokhod> - Then, we should get one.
[20:39:06] <Che> * there is on in Che's car.
[20:39:19] <Nebokhod> * Availalbility 4, probably sold off the shelves.
[20:39:21] <Red_S> *just drive it out there then
[20:39:36] <Kit_on_Boat> * car on the bot. awesome
[20:39:53] <Nebokhod> * signal 8 = 100 km range.
[20:40:01] <Kit_on_Boat> * 8? avail 4?
[20:40:07] <Kit_on_Boat> * didn't see that
[20:41:29] <Nebokhod> * Sr4a, 328
[20:42:49] <Che> * hmm, i can upgrade signal to 5 without spending modification slots in the drone...
[20:43:15] <Che> * or install satcom for 1 slot.
[20:44:07] <Nebokhod> *5 is 4 km, iirc.
[20:44:32] <Kit_on_Boat> * I'm not sure satcam can fit on small drone
[20:45:46] <Kit_on_Boat> * So, plan: get satcom, come back and hack?
[20:46:05] <Che> *well, there are satphones now, and in 60 years you can probably miniatuarize it enought to put everywhere...
[20:46:57] <@Fats> * just make sure it fits slot-wise
[20:47:06] <Che> *also, car can float, but it'll look conspiciously on the open sea, yes.
[20:47:12] <Nebokhod> * how far is this platform from the shore?
[20:47:31] <Che> * Yeah, it still has two free slots.
[20:48:01] <Kit_on_Boat> * OK, so that's our plan? hack to victory?
[20:48:46] <Red_S> *I'm fine with any plan really
[20:49:10] <Nebokhod> * yeah, steal all of their info, cripple the defences and prepare them for our dynamic entry.
[20:49:12] <@Fats> * Nebokhod, some 50 km
[20:49:28] <Kit_on_Boat> signal 8 will do
[20:49:44] <Che> * even one where we send you as a hooker on the platform and you kill everybody aboard with your bare hands and breasts?
[20:50:40] <Nebokhod> * had you watched armitage already?
[20:51:04] <Che> * what armitage?
[20:51:32] <Nebokhod> * anime one.
[20:51:42] <Red_S> *I'm fine with any plan that isn't blatantly dumb.
[20:51:52] <Che> * nope.
[20:54:34] <Che> * There are no stupid plans, it's just usually they're so buckupy that things work out before there is need for those plans.
[20:54:51] <Nebokhod> - Ok, do we have any beer left? If not we should get Kit and the satellite voodoo together so he will mojo their systems into submission.
[20:55:18] <Che> - Mmm, nope, only hot tea and pierogis.
[20:55:53] * Nebokhod looks on Kit disapprovingly.
[20:56:09] <Red_S> *oh the headache pills had caffiene I shouldn't have taken so many
[20:56:23] * Nebokhod sets mode: -o Nebokhod
[20:56:29] <Che> *have we caught any fishes?
[20:56:40] <@Fats> * three cods, was it?
[20:56:41] <Kit_on_Boat> - This is sea. Of course beer is all gone. ITs with the fishes
[20:57:33] <Red_S> -Should we really be drinking before an infiltration?
[20:58:10] <Che> - I'm not.
[20:58:25] * Che pours some tea and grabs a pierog.
[20:58:38] <Che> - So, are we done there?
[20:58:44] <Che> *here
[20:58:52] <Nebokhod> - Yes..
[20:58:57] <Kit_on_Boat> - Seems so. Wuthout better technology we can't go further.
[20:59:24] <Red_S> -If we're strapped for cash I have some saved up.
[21:00:13] <Nebokhod> - I probably should find a couple of new spells that will help an infiltration.
[21:00:32] <Kit_on_Boat> * Aaand team goes shopping before the final dungeon
[21:00:35] * Red_S nods. -Understood.
[21:00:37] * Che recalls his drone.
[21:01:20] * Red_S glances sideways at Che. -I hope you're prepared for our final objective.
[21:02:00] <@Fats> * Che, Agility x2, would you
[21:02:30] <Che> *augmented&
[21:02:35] <Che> *?
[21:02:49] <Nebokhod> * yes
[21:02:52] <Che> 20#sd
[21:02:52] <ur_dnd_bot> Che: (pool 20) 7 hits
[21:03:10] <Che> Wait.
[21:03:22] <Che> *It was limit.
[21:03:30] <Che> 14#sd
[21:03:30] <ur_dnd_bot> Che: (pool 14) 4 hits
[21:03:54] <Nebokhod> * what, your AGI is 6.
[21:04:05] <Nebokhod> *?
[21:04:17] <@Fats> * 7?
[21:04:29] <Che> *Errr, yes, 6.
[21:04:58] <Che> * Damn, sorry, all those columns in a Chmmer sometimes mess with me.
[21:05:28] <Nebokhod> * that's why we have Logs site.
[21:05:48] <Che> 12#sd
[21:05:48] <ur_dnd_bot> Che: (pool 12) 6 hits
[21:06:16] <@Fats> Che easily snatches the slow-going drone out of the air.
[21:06:22] <@Fats> * so, back to the city?
[21:06:31] <Nebokhod> * yep
[21:06:31] <Che> *yeah
[21:07:53] * Che packs drone and fishing rods and starts engine.
[21:08:52] <@Fats> In two and a half hours, before dark, the team is back in Vladivostok.
[21:09:06] <@Fats> * I suggest we wrap up here since I'm going to work soon
[21:09:20] <Che> *ok
[21:09:30] <@Fats> * tell me what you're shopping for; Kit_on_Boat, let's have a hacking side-session
[21:09:45] <@Fats> * everyone, three karma, please upload the logs and blast me with feedback
[21:09:53] <Che> * I have almost no money to make shopping with.