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<poem> [18:24:52] <@Fats> Mary's commlink lights up late on November evening, 2073, just as the Swiss elf hops off the threadmill, wiping her brow. [18:24:52] <@Fats> It's voicemail, but the sender's icon is just an abstractly rendered black chrysanthemum. [18:25:12] <Red_S> (familiar?) [18:25:17] <@Fats> * nope [18:26:10] <Red_S> She listens wary of the unexpected message. [18:27:59] <@Fats> The mail's been forwarded through an anonymous account, so no sender ID there, either. As she opens it, a soft male voice with a noticeable Chinese accent speaks up: "Good evening, Scorpion. We might be interested in procuring some of your services. Meet me in an hour at Azure, 26 Bakinskih Komissarov street, 15, if you're interested. If not, delete this mail and forget about it". [18:29:18] <Nebokhod> *kh [18:29:39] <@Fats> * kh-kh [18:29:45] <@Fats> * Red_S? [18:29:50] <Red_S> Mary sighs and gets showered and dresses quicky, careful to keep her bulletproof vest on underneath her plain trouser suit. As always she keeps her machine pistol in a shoulder holster. [18:29:55] <Red_S> (yes?) [18:31:47] <@Fats> 26 Bakinskih Komissarov is just outside Downtown; outside, cold November rain is knocking on the windows. [18:31:52] <@Fats> * how do you get there? [18:32:32] <Red_S> *Motorcycle. What sort of building is it? [18:37:03] <@Fats> Mary flies through the winding streets of the city center, empty as they are at this late hour, scaring off the rare nighttime pedestrians. After the bothersome journey through the great Russian plains, the mountainous sopkas of Vladivostok remind the Swiss of home. Soon, the shining needles of corporate highrises grow from a glowing mess on horizon to a forest of giants obscuring the sky. Azure seems to be a cafe on the ground floor of one of tho [18:37:03] <@Fats> se. [18:38:37] <Red_S> Still skeptical, she enters the cafe. It's not likely whoever this "client" may be will be willing to cause trouble in a public place. [18:38:42] <@Fats> The main entrance with its glass columns and bright corporate AROs is dimmed somewhat in the night, sleepy reception girls meeting the rare late visitors; but Mary's target is off to the side from it. [18:41:02] <Red_S> "Hello." She stands in front of the prospective client. "You're the one who called for me, correct?" Her tone is businesslike, yet guarded. [18:41:13] <@Fats> * a moment please [18:41:58] <Red_S> *okay [18:41:59] <@Fats> The cafe is dark, the only lighting provided by the faintly glowing bar at the end of the hall and the purple neon of its sign. In its light, Mary's skin looks almost blue. Every once in a while, the headlights of passing cars flood the room in cold white light. A hostess leads the elf to the only table with another visitor, at the window, and disappears. The man is sitting, watching the rain, his face basked in shadows and only lit up by his ciga [18:41:59] <@Fats> rette. [18:43:30] <@Fats> He's in his late fifties, wearing a strict business three-piece. On his lapel, two pins: a red flag of the Communist Party of China and Mao himself. He has a tired, old face, a tight business haircut, and two datajacks in his temples. [18:44:21] <@Fats> - Yes, - he answers, - Please join me. - He gestures at the seat across him, takes a drag from his cig. [18:44:23] <Red_S> *can I have a quick rundown on the tags you use for ooc and stuff? [18:45:12] <@Fats> * is OOC. - is IC, voice. = is IC, subvoc. ~ is IC, commlink texting. [18:45:33] <Kit_Remoni> + is IC, magic voices and such [18:46:03] <@Fats> As Mary sits, he gives her a long hard look: "So, Red Scorpion, then?" [18:46:32] <Red_S> Mary sits down, leaning forward on her forearms so that she can speak closely without being overheard. -Allegedly.- She faintly scowls. -What is it you're looking for?- [18:48:07] <@Fats> - No need for secrecy, this establishment belongs to us. Which means no one is listening who is not supposed to be, - the man's expression is calm, unchanging, - We're looking for someone to take a problem of our hands. I understand this is what you specialize in. [18:48:26] <Kit_Remoni> * off? [18:48:49] <@Fats> * of course [18:49:32] <Red_S> -I see- She leans back, glancing at the waitresses. -Just tell me who it is, and how much you'll pay. I take care of the rest.- [18:51:03] <Red_S> *Mary is wondering if this guy thought the "red" scorpion was a communist. [18:51:07] <@Fats> The waitress is nowhere to be found, and the hostess who showed Red the way faded back into the shadows just as quickly and silently as she had appeared. The man takes another drag, lighting his face red. [18:52:40] <@Fats> - The setup is simple. We have a gang of vigilantes in this city, headed by a man called "Faceless Avenger". Western comic book level of ridiculousness, - he pauses, - But his actions complicate an already complex situation we have. [18:53:10] <@Fats> Red_S, if you've been keeping up with the local news, you've heard about that Faceless Avenger character more than a few times. [18:54:05] <@Fats> Apparently, he's trying to stop the syndicate war going on in the city by targeted terror, torturing syndicate members to death on cam and then uploading the simrecordings from his rig to the local Matrix. [18:54:59] <Red_S> She knows better than to ask about why a government official might want some gangers dead, and she knows better than to suggest another "faceless avenger" may appear just as soon as one is killed. -Sounds like a nutjob. Any other intel about this guy?- [18:57:38] <@Fats> - Whatever help you need, you can acquire by contacting this friend of ours, - the man summons an ARO with a grumpy-looking old troll in it, titled Michalych, contact details at the back, and waits until Mary accepts it, - We don't know much about the man. He's gone to great lengths to ensure that. All we have is in this dossier, - he transmits another ARO to the elf. [18:57:51] <Red_S> *ARO? [18:58:09] <Kit_Remoni> * Augmented Reality Object [18:58:12] <Red_S> *oh I see [18:58:21] <Red_S> *a business card then [18:58:30] <Kit_Remoni> * Virtual business card [18:59:33] <@Fats> - It will be 30k for the mark, 10k for any of his lieutenants. We know he has at least four. Minions don't count. Bring records of each kill, - he takes another drag, - I know it's not much, but I understand you are looking for someone here. If the mark is gone in a week's time, I will do my utmost to help you. [18:59:41] <@Fats> He takes another drag, - Once. [19:00:18] <Red_S> -I'm sure he didn't just spring up out of the dirt. Unless he's a ghost, I'll find him one way or another- [19:00:19] <@Fats> * ARO is any augmented reality object. A window to call the elevator? ARO. Spam messages? Sure enough, arrows. [19:02:05] <@Fats> - Good. Then it is settled. Contact me via the mailbox I used to summon you when you're done, - the man falls silent, and Mary understands it's time to leave. [19:03:53] <@Fats> Michalych, according to his contact info, is the sole proprietor of Yakor v Glotke (The Anchor in the Throat), a runner canteen. The Johnson must've left his details to pick up a team there. [19:03:54] <Red_S> She goes outside to her bike, sending a quick message to her decker contact. ~Kat, find intel on Faceless Avenger. New job. LDS M. [19:04:23] <Red_S> As soon as the message is sent she gets a move on to find this contact. [19:06:23] <Red_S> *Lol came in at a bad time, it's mid-game session [19:10:43] <@Fats> Red_S, the bike is all wet from the rain where you left it, which makes the ride to the canteen somewhat unpleasant. As the bike's dogbrain pilots, she browses through the remarkably brief dossier the Johnson provided. It features the mark being spotted departing Khasan coast via speedboat three weeks ago; speedboat registration provided. Furthermore, there's a vaguely worded analytical report pointing to a significant shipment of highly illegal w [19:10:45] <@Fats> eapons, combat chems and explosives coming through one of the city's chief weapon smugglers, Flying Canuck, four weeks ago, but none of the large players picking it up, allegedly. [19:12:13] <Red_S> *strange [19:13:14] <Red_S> *Either some private party picked it up or the data was erased. [19:13:43] <@Fats> * Obviously, your employer suspects it was either Faceless Avenger or someone linked with him. [19:13:56] <Red_S> *right [19:14:14] <Red_S> *Well first thing is to get this contact. [19:15:13] <FNG> ((I'm back.)) [19:15:29] <@Fats> As she browses, Red reaches the Khasan Coast itself, a former slum district revitalized by EVO-lead industrial development. Still, it's a smuggler haven, and many seedier establishments remain tucked around the district. Yakor v Glotke is an age-old sailor canteen that long since turned into a meeting place for smugglers, sailors, runners and other less savory elements. [19:15:31] * FNG is now known as Ronin [19:16:44] <Red_S> Mary enters, sure to park somewhere safe first. [19:16:55] <@Fats> It's a no-nonsense place in the basement of an apartment house, in what must've been a bomb shelter once. It's crowdy, noisy, and filled with tobacco smoke and stench; numerous ragged bands of outcasts converge around its no-nonsense metal-and-plastic tables. As Red enters, she spots her contact immediately at the bar, his telnyashka-clad bulk unmistakable. [19:19:31] <Red_S> -I believe we're working together for a mutual friend.- She taps him on the shoulder. [19:20:26] <Red_S> *I'm going to switch to phone in a bit [19:21:01] <@Fats> He greets Mary heartily, even if his language is what you'd expect from an ex-sailor and an ex-runner, and leads her to a table a bit to the side from the commotion, leaving her for a minute in the company of a bottle of beer he plops on the milky plastic of the tabletop with a proud explanation that he brewed it himself, - "Yeah, please wait here, kay? I'll get you the guys I think will work right for you", - he grumbles before walking off. [19:21:53] <Red_S> She rolls her eyes as soon as he leaves. Great, more people means more problems to her. [19:23:51] <@Fats> Kit_Remoni, Nebokhod, Che, Michalych taps you on the shoulder just as you're downing another toast to the departed with your runner pals. Just like he warned you earlier today might happen, he asks you to meet the runner in need of a team. Ronin, he picks you up from your sulking place at a lone table, off to the side, next. [19:24:48] * Nebokhod finishes his drink. [19:24:54] * Che looks up. [19:24:56] <@Fats> Red_S, you see the troll leading as ragged gang of outcasts as you've ever seen your way. Just as they reach your table, a waitress zips buy with beer and glasses (luxurious by the local measures!) [19:24:59] <Nebokhod> - New friends. [19:25:24] <Kit_Remoni> - New places to be [19:25:51] <Che> - New windows to break... [19:25:59] <@Fats> - So yeah, the guy said you won't do fragging nothing to nothing on your own. So get together and don't pretend to be those romantic loner types, before the rest of the guys have to toast to you, too. [19:26:27] <Che> - Yes, mom. [19:26:38] <@Fats> The troll lingers around, apparently ready to smooth out any problems in communication, but pretending he's just pouring beer in your glasses. [19:26:43] <Red_S> She tries to look slightly less annoyed than she is. -Can I assume you all know what we're going to be working on? [19:26:44] <Kit_Remoni> - Which guy said that, and to who? [19:27:03] <Red_S> (she speaks in german-accented Russian by the way) [19:27:08] <Nebokhod> - THE guy. [19:27:28] <@Fats> - A local Johnson, Kit. To me. So yeah, THE GUY, for all you should fragging care, I figure. [19:27:37] <Nebokhod> - and no, you can't. [19:27:40] <Ronin> Ronin reaches up to press a finger against the brim of the blue-shaded glasses she wore, offering a pleasant smile to those glancing her way. [19:27:42] <Nebokhod> *A [19:28:01] <Che> - For starters, hello, lady. It's nice to meet you and all. [19:28:05] <@Fats> * okay folks I know it's a bit clumsy, but try to work with this :3 [19:28:11] <Red_S> *it's fine [19:28:35] <Nebokhod> * perennial. [19:28:54] <Che> - I'm Che, those gentleman are Nebokhod and Kit. [19:29:19] <@Fats> * basically, Red_S, you understand that realistically you will need help with this run, given that you're up against at least five of your equals with uncounted minions, who knows where they are and what they're up to. [19:29:25] <Nebokhod> - Pleased to meet you. [19:29:42] <@Fats> * also, this is where you drop your character descriptions, get to be charming, etcetera :D [19:29:42] <Red_S> -I guess I'm Red Scorpion then.- She grimaces at the nickname. [19:29:58] <Red_S> *I don't have it on me also switching [19:30:16] <Ronin> - The pleasure is mine. I am Ronin. [19:30:21] <Kit_Remoni> * Since she is to an extent "johnson" to us, as its her run, I'm OK for her to not take everyone on the team [19:31:01] <Nebokhod> * nah, the johnson is THE GUY. [19:31:26] <Ronin> The woman offers a courteous bow towards Che and his companions as if it was as normal as a handshake, right hand placed against her collar. [19:32:06] * Phonech is now known as Red_S [19:32:40] * Kit_Remoni is a fairly young dwarf, bald and with a customary beard and a mustache. He doesn't seem to have any augmentations, and speaks with german-accented russian as well. [19:32:48] <Che> - Can you tell us a little about yourself? [19:33:13] <Red_S> -Who me? [19:33:17] * Che is nondescript human-looking elf of a korean ethnicity casually dressed in 2-piece business suit. [19:33:46] <@Fats> * anyone with runner lore can roll to determine what they know about each other already :3 [19:34:48] <Che> 10#sd Underworld (Vladivostok) [19:34:48] <ur_dnd_bot> Che: (pool 10) 3 hits [19:35:34] * Ronin is a fairly average elf with black hair, blue eyes, and dressed up in a unremarkable jumpsuit. She does have several securetech addons strapped to her limbs, yet she moves around without much effort. Her accent is unmistakably Japanese, and her Russian is still rusty. [19:35:51] <@Fats> * And it's up to you, again, to determine which roll result reveals what about your character. [19:36:26] <Ronin> Do we say it in here, or whisper it to Che so he can decide who he shares it with? [19:36:38] * Che me smiles to the ladies and introduces himself and his friends. [19:37:38] <Che> *-me [19:37:55] * Nebokhod is a man in his thirties, slightly overweight, dressed in military fatigues, left hand is cyberarm. [19:39:01] <Red_S> -I hope you don't mind if I get to business. We're operating on a limited amount of time- [19:39:36] * Che is known to be a rigger specialized in scouting, observing and spying. [19:40:21] <Ronin> - By all means, go ahead. I am eager to hear what you have to share with us. - [19:40:24] <Red_S> -Do any of you know about the so called faceless avenger?- [19:40:44] <Red_S> *know OF I should say [19:40:46] <Kit_Remoni> - We do. [19:41:26] * Che sighs. [19:41:35] <Red_S> -Well an interested party is willing to pay for his disappearance. With a bonus for each of hots lieutenants [19:42:35] <Kit_Remoni> - Well, I'm not surprised. At some point he was bound to piss someone off enough [19:42:49] <Ronin> - I apologize for my ignorance, but I do not know of him. - [19:43:09] <Nebokhod> - You mean someone besides us? [19:43:24] <Kit_Remoni> - Someone wealthy enough to order a hit [19:43:30] <Red_S> -A vigilante ganger and amateur snuff film director- [19:43:33] <Che> - Only disappearance, or "disappearance"? [19:45:22] <Red_S> Mary shrugs. -Things happen. And the employers asked for proof- [19:45:35] * Che nods. [19:45:40] <Kit_Remoni> - His first idea we heard of was to kidnap children of several important people and threaten parents with their dismemberment - in order to stop the gang war. Needless to say, we were not fans. [19:46:08] <Red_S> -He's a criminal if it makes you feel any better- [19:46:23] <Nebokhod> - You don't say. [19:46:27] * Ronin 's lips crank upwards at Kit's words. [19:48:02] <@Fats> * Red_S, Ronin - the "-" goes into the beginning of your line, same as when marking dialog in standard text, no need for a finishing "-" [19:48:17] <Red_S> *whoops [19:48:21] <Che> - Ok, and what about more material motivation to dissapear him? [19:48:50] <Ronin> * Noted. [19:50:09] <Red_S> -Other than the extreme methods? Not much. He seems to be stepping on too many times at once. [19:50:37] <Nebokhod> - He asked about payment. [19:51:10] <Red_S> *oh I thought he meant reason people wanted him dead [19:52:02] <Che> * Are there reasons people do NOT want him dead? [19:52:09] <Red_S> -30k for the boss 10k for each lieutenant. [19:52:25] <Ronin> - What info do we have on these lieutenants? [19:52:40] <Che> - Total or per crew member? [19:53:01] <Red_S> -each one. I know there are four. [19:53:53] * Che looks at Nebokhod. [19:54:27] <Nebokhod> - So, it's 70k fiveway split? [19:54:43] <Red_S> -They should be easier to locate since they don't all wear masks... I don't think [19:55:44] <Ronin> - If you want to take down the castle, starting with the walls seem like the most logical solution, no? [19:55:59] <Nebokhod> - Any additional intel? [19:56:13] <Kit_Remoni> - I would think it is to get in through the back door and assassinate the king [19:56:26] <Red_S> -The troll should have some, hopefully. [19:56:46] <Nebokhod> - But your king is in another castle, Mario. [19:56:52] <Red_S> -The captains will probably talk with a bit of persuasion. [19:57:02] <Kit_Remoni> - I do try to come up with good intel [19:57:06] * Che checks his commlink looking for posted bounties on that psycho. [19:57:17] <Kit_Remoni> * Fats, what was shadowsea datasearch threashold was? [19:58:16] <@Fats> * the threshold is standard, and we established period of single action I believe? [19:58:37] <Kit_Remoni> * thread browse upwards from 5 13#sd [19:58:37] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 13) 5 hits [19:58:42] <Red_S> -I have a contract looking for more info. She'll likely come thorough with something. [19:58:57] <Che> * I don't know, but price looks somewhat unreasonable for a such mark. [19:59:08] <Kit_Remoni> * I'll take 3, I think. 11#sd faderes [19:59:08] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 11) 3 hits [19:59:28] <Nebokhod> * moral satisfaction isn't enough? [19:59:40] <Che> * High violence gang with vast resources, secrecy and such. And only 70k. [20:00:01] <Kit_Remoni> 13,24#sde [20:00:01] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 13, threshold 24) 6 passes, 26 hits [20:00:13] <Nebokhod> * there's probably some sweet loot there. [20:00:21] <Che> * If there are no other bounties to cash in then it's not the best job. [20:00:21] <Red_S> *seems like a lot to me [20:00:39] <Red_S> *but I'm not an expert [20:01:33] <Che> * if it were just a street gang then, sure. But for a force, that threatens major crime syndicates in city? No. [20:02:02] <@Fats> * Kit, what exactly are you looking for? [20:02:11] <Che> * But, eh, I'm not an expert too... [20:02:31] <Kit_Remoni> * All available info on the Faceless avenger, his team, and his actions [20:02:55] <Che> * Fats, are there other people willing to pay for avenger's head? [20:03:11] <Nebokhod> * yes, it's 30k. [20:03:43] <@Fats> * You bet there must be. I mean, there are multiple sides to the syndicate war, and he's stepped on all kind of toes. [20:04:13] * finch (~AndChat20@83.sub-70-210-36.myvzw.com) has joined #TeamA [20:04:20] <Che> * Have I found any posted bounties? [20:04:23] <finch> *damn connection [20:04:37] <Kit_Remoni> * I would be careful of clashing with other teams out for him. [20:05:12] <@Fats> Kit, Faceless Avenger is kind of a hot topic on shadowsea and elsewhere in the runner community, but there's not much known about him, really. You find some newbie bragging that the guy tried to recruit him and his team, but you don't know if there's any truth to that. [20:05:33] <@Fats> The general consensus among the runners is that the guy must be using in-house resources [20:05:43] <finch> *So a wannabe super hero [20:06:03] <@Fats> Or maybe bringing runners from abroad to help him. Maybe Yakutians, even - although you're pretty sure the guy who suggested that is a UGB shill. [20:08:06] <@Fats> Other than that, you have a lot of rumour, a lot of trash talk, and a little bit of discussing his methods from purely runner side of things: the way he finds his marks, the way they assaulted that wharf, that sort of thing. But you guess all the most juicy bits are discussed somewhere in the VPNs, where the shadowsea newbfest is not allowed. [20:09:03] <finch> *easy money [20:10:47] * finch is now known as Red_Scorpion [20:10:48] * Red_S (~AndChat20@253.sub-70-210-4.myvzw.com) Quit (Ping timeout) [20:10:50] <@Fats> * Che, not really, you haven't. Everyone must be keeping to their own operators, unwilling to plunge the city underworld into more turmoil than it already is in [20:12:10] * Kit_Remoni shares the info on AR as text files [20:12:15] <Che> * not even street gangs? [20:12:38] <Red_Scorpion> -So I think our best course of action is to find a lieutenant and abduct him, make them talk. Then we find the rest. Any opposed? [20:12:39] <Kit_Remoni> * Do we have at least a list of his latest actions (apart from that fuckup with late Bug-eyed Joe) [20:13:01] <@Fats> * Che, street gangs are unconcerned with him, they have their war to attend to [20:13:30] <Kit_Remoni> - I would say we need to find someone directly working with his team. From that point on I could do more specific search [20:13:35] <Ronin> - Sounds like as good of a place to start as any. Did you have a particular lieutenant in mind? [20:13:46] <Kit_Remoni> * I thought we did not know their names, no? [20:14:05] <Red_Scorpion> *I don't think I got any Intel in them [20:14:18] <Red_Scorpion> *I think the troll has them [20:16:24] <Red_Scorpion> -Not yet. It shouldn't matter too much. I figure one is going to be sloppy with his security. [20:16:55] <@Fats> Kit_Remoni, sure. In the three weeks since then, he published three recordings: one with him standing atop an EVO island skyscraper watching (apparently he has vision magnification) as some random Triads' guy's head exploded into a fireball when he was getting off his limo; one with him (and his) raiding a bunraku parlor and slaughtering every Yakuza inside, and him promising to have some implant fun with the matron who was at the head; and one wi [20:16:56] <@Fats> th an ambush on a Vory convoy, several gunmen turning two SUVs and a limo into fine colanders. [20:18:16] <Red_Scorpion> *what a rude dude [20:18:43] <Che> * and nobody wants to pay to dissapear him... [20:19:07] <Kit_Remoni> - Two choices - either to analyze his last hijinks hoping to see his preparations [20:19:20] <Kit_Remoni> - Or guess at his next target and ambush people there. [20:19:25] <@Fats> * oh they do, they just don't yet put up WANTED FOR 1M NUYEN posters yet [20:20:33] <Che> - Ok, so let's me summarize it: we're after a crazy vigilante with resources, we're promized 30-70k and then you mentioned some time limitations? [20:21:05] <Red_Scorpion> -He's targeting crime lords seemingly at random. I figure he probably sends a warning letter asking the target to stop the war or something. And yeah we don't want him leaving the area and escaping. [20:21:36] <Nebokhod> - Think of it as public service. [20:21:58] <Che> - I made my share of public services already. [20:22:32] <Nebokhod> - But this time you'll get paid. [20:22:34] <@Fats> * Red_Scorpion, actually, he goes about "ending the war OR ELSE" at the beginning and ending of each of his records [20:22:54] <Red_Scorpion> *just making conjecture [20:23:02] <Red_Scorpion> *could be wrong [20:23:35] <Che> - Let's hope we'll found more people willing to reward as for that "service". [20:24:18] <Red_Scorpion> -Can't be too hard with his reputation. I'm sure his next target will be very grateful. [20:24:57] <Ronin> - Sounds like there'll be no shortage of danger. I'm in. [20:25:23] <Che> - Will you work just for a thrill of danger? [20:25:36] <Kit_Remoni> * Fats, does the current pattern seem to indicate someone in particular as the 60%+ probable next target? [20:25:56] <Red_Scorpion> Mary seems amused by the girl's bravado. It's nice to have a willing shield. [20:26:38] <Ronin> - Well, almost. Monetary gain is not as important for me, but I do prefer having a small place to call my own. [20:26:41] <Red_Scorpion> *he want after a different syndicate each time I think. His lack of pattern is a pattern [20:26:55] <@Fats> It'll take a bit more calculations to figure out the chance, but you notice that Seoulpa Rings haven't been targeted for a while. That doesn't really give you much, though, their operation might be smaller than the big syndicates', but it's still pretty immense. [20:28:47] <Red_Scorpion> -Let's just hope he's weaker than he likes to pretend and we should be fine. [20:30:08] <Kit_Remoni> * How often attacks are made? Is it worth the time to wait for Seolpa, or it's more likely week won't be enough? [20:32:33] <Red_Scorpion> *also I'm in a car, don't be surprised if my connection is spotty. P.s. Can we ask the troll for Intel on the lieutenants? [20:32:55] <Che> * We haven't ben told about week, and why we should hurry. [20:32:58] <Che> *e [20:33:26] <Red_Scorpion> *oh. I thought it was just because he might leave the country [20:34:07] <@Fats> Kit_Remoni, he doesn't time his attacks. It's not, like, your Saturday Night Criminal Dismemberment Vigilante Show. [20:34:14] <Kit_Remoni> * We could, but I doubt he has more info than we ourselves can get [20:34:15] <Che> * I mean, RS mentioned some time constraints but have not elaborated. [20:34:28] <Red_Scorpion> *at least that's why she's telling you :^) [20:36:38] <Che> * Sooo, what are we doing? [20:36:43] <Red_Scorpion> *we could always ask criminal elements who've encountered him [20:37:03] <Che> * We don't have shaman or medium. [20:37:44] <Red_Scorpion> *we need information to know where to look for him. I have a contract on it but it might not be enough for now. [20:39:21] <@Fats> * Red_Scorpion, Kate might bring more info than Kit, but only through better queries (if indeed she comes up with them) and as a result of hacks (which normally take a few hours of time each) [20:40:16] <Red_Scorpion> *right, no need to rely completely on katja I'm just thinking of other ways to look into it [20:41:00] <Red_Scorpion> *we could keep watch on the Seoulpa guys and hope we catch him in the act [20:42:04] <Ronin> *Do we do that with or without letting them know? If they catch us spying, they could get the wrong idea. [20:42:48] <Red_Scorpion> *we could warn them ahead of time. I think they might even hire us to keep guard [20:43:03] <Che> * I don't think they'll approve our actions either way. [20:43:20] <Kit_Remoni> * Agreed [20:43:30] <Che> * with what? [20:43:32] <Kit_Remoni> * If Kate can do hacks, I could do it as well. Question is whom to hack [20:44:15] <@Fats> * IC please [20:44:18] <Nebokhod> * we could check with the smuggler. [20:44:45] <Che> - So anyone got good ideas where we should start? [20:45:03] <Nebokhod> * i'll assume that we are fully briefed on what the Johnson told us [20:45:24] <Kit_Remoni> - Che, do you have any contacts in the weapon smuggling industry who you trust enough? [20:45:28] <Nebokhod> - Well. somebody had to pick up that shipment. [20:45:28] <Red_Scorpion> -Well. We know that a smuggler dropped off some heavy gear. Might be the avebger's [20:45:31] <Kit_Remoni> - We could track the weapons [20:45:35] <Red_Scorpion> *good call [20:45:51] <Kit_Remoni> - Meanwhile I could check out the cameras and gridlink logs around the sites [20:46:17] <Kit_Remoni> - No matter how clever you are, you have to leave some footprints moving from point A to point B [20:46:27] <Che> - Weapons, no, only mech. [20:47:18] <Red_Scorpion> -Alright. So we head there first. She gets to her feet. - [20:47:43] <Ronin> - If the gear was dropped off by the docks, someone might have seen something. One of the homeless, perhaps. [20:48:18] <Red_Scorpion> -Either way, the docks is the first stop. [20:48:43] * Che finishes his drink and nods. [20:49:03] <@Fats> * Okay, if you're done and decided, I say we cut it for today :3 [20:49:23] <Red_Scorpion> Mary hopes her bike is still where she left it. [20:50:31] <@Fats> Also, 3 karma each