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Latest revision as of 06:59, 28 February 2016

18:13:31] <@Fats> As the runners turn to return to their berths after the SAFR showdown, they see Subadi the weretigress dealing someone on her commlink.
[18:13:31] <@Fats> She doesn't know to turn AR promoscuity off, so they see the portrait of her contact, marked as a SAFR commander, in the floating window before her face.
[18:13:31] <@Fats> The train is rolling slowly, nearing Arkhara station. You have perhaps a quarter hour before it arrives.
[18:14:01] <Kit_Remoni> * AR pro-what?
[18:14:11] <@Fats> * read as SESSION 12 START :3
[18:14:27] <Kit_Remoni> * Shortest session ever)
[18:14:37] <Nebokhod> * tachyons are at work here!
[18:14:42] <@Fats> * promiscuity mode. that's a legitimate term in networking, look it up :ь
[18:15:09] <Kit_Remoni> * it does not have 'o' after 'm'
[18:15:18] <Kit_Remoni> = So? Skedaddle on warp 9?
[18:16:09] <Nebokhod> = Yeah. Can you move us somewhere else?
[18:16:58] <Kit_Remoni> * let me check which parts of which train I hacked completely.
[18:19:53] <Kit_Remoni> * OK, target train's comm node is hacked, but this one is not. and I have sprite lvl7 with 7 tasks
[18:20:57] <@Fats> You are for now back at your compartment; strong wind is blowing along the car from the windows your opposition broke, and the other passengers are starting to moan and shift around as whatever gas the SAFR employed is blown away.
[18:22:27] <@Fats> * A train node is R4 Firewall 4, as we settled last time. Do roll your hacking, if this is what you desire
[18:22:30] * Kit_Remoni walks towards the further end of the train, commanding the cybersquid sprite to hack-on-the-fly train's comm node.
[18:22:59] <Kit_Remoni> 14,14#sde
[18:23:00] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 14, threshold 14) 3 passes, 14 hits
[18:23:19] <Kit_Remoni> * train has 3 passes to break stealth 7 of my squiddie
[18:24:26] <@Fats> * it doesn't, go ahead
[18:24:40] <Kit_Remoni> * In the AR Kit pulls out paintball gun and 'draws' target on the node with green paintballs. Squid sniffs the 'air' and envelops the target in its tentacles..
[18:26:19] <Kit_Remoni> Tentacles find a microscopic hole in the node's wall, and stretch it large enough so that dwarf's 'Elephant' persona, squizzing a bit, can get in * admin account
[18:27:16] <Kit_Remoni> As soon as he gets inside, Elephant!Kit gets his trusty calligraphy brush and paints internal logs anew with no traces of his break-in * 8#sd
[18:27:17] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 8) 3 hits
[18:28:00] <Kit_Remoni> * Matrix perception 10#sd - where is feed which checks if tickets are good
[18:28:00] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 10) 6 hits
[18:29:33] <@Fats> * you find the required data stream easily.
[18:29:37] <Kit_Remoni> * Set it up so that for whatever seats our ticket id's are checked - they are good. 8#sd edit
[18:29:37] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 8) 5 hits
[18:29:50] <Kit_Remoni> 8#sd
[18:29:51] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 8) 2 hits
[18:30:03] <Kit_Remoni> * sorry, lags. 5 should be enough
[18:30:45] * Kit_Remoni 'wakes up' from momentarily nap in the noisy-as-hell link between cars: - All good, Luke. We can take any seats we want
[18:31:46] <Che> * Aww, I'm AFK for 10-15 minutes, sorry.
[18:32:12] <@Fats> * roll Infiltration, whoever's coming over to the next car.
[18:32:38] <Kit_Remoni> * I'm not going first =)
[18:35:22] <@Fats> * Nebokhod?
[18:36:51] <Nebokhod> * 1#sd lol
[18:36:51] <ur_dnd_bot> Nebokhod: (pool 1) 0 hits
[18:38:29] <@Fats> * Che's incredibly successful with his pool of 7, you can notice him only because you know where to look. Kit_Remoni?
[18:39:11] <Kit_Remoni> 1#sd lol+
[18:39:12] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 1) 1 hit
[18:39:13] <@Fats> * Also, are you settling for random free places in the next third class car, in different compartments, or do you have some other plan?
[18:39:20] <Kit_Remoni> *yay!
[18:39:27] <@Fats> * bery stelzy, gut
[18:39:59] <Kit_Remoni> * I thought we'd go a little further than just 'next car'
[18:40:28] <Nebokhod> * exactly.
[18:41:14] <@Fats> * You have some six third class cars to choose from, then there are four second class cars, the dining car, and then two first class cars; what is it that you do?
[18:41:47] <Kit_Remoni> * How about sit in the dining car and have a drinks while this crap is happening?
[18:43:02] <Kit_Remoni> * Also while it would be fun to sit in first-class car, there is a question if we look good enough. or if we can fast-talk fast enough
[18:43:05] <@Fats> * That, you can discuss IC; I'm asking more about your plans in what pertains to your seats for the further travel :3
[18:43:44] * Kit_Remoni walks to the dining room car anyway for beer and stuff. Nightly escapades make him hungry
[18:45:21] <Nebokhod> * farthest 3rd class car from that one, i think.
[18:45:45] * Che (Vi_KotTor@ Quit (Connection reset by peer)
[18:46:16] <@Fats> It appears his passing disturbs a couple of passengers sleeping on the berths he passes. The dining car is dimly lit at this time of the night, and empty outside of a snuffling barman and a troll knocked out by the booze and sleeping at one of the tables.
[18:46:28] <Kit_Remoni> = Guys, do you know how this SAFR dudes operate? I mean will they check every car and so on. Nevermind the lying and shit, they can delay the train and we're on schedule
[18:48:09] <@Fats> * anyone with relevant knowledges?
[18:48:48] <Nebokhod> * i have military and combat/security tactics
[18:48:51] <Kit_Remoni> - Can you get me this... Kurburger with grecha, dude? I just finished WorldOfFightCraft 70lvl raid. This shit is exhausting!
[18:51:05] <@Fats> * Nebokhod, do roll the latter.
[18:51:15] <Nebokhod> 11#sd
[18:51:16] <ur_dnd_bot> Nebokhod: (pool 11) 6 hits
[18:51:45] <@Fats> Delaying trains is extremely uncommon, even for full-scale Yakut attacks: Transsib only has two tracks and only so many side tracks where another train may pass; and it's heavily used by both civilian and military cargo traffic, so schedules are a priority when possible
[18:53:05] <@Fats> Kit_Remoni, the guy looks at you with sleepy eyes: "That'll be thirty nuyen for the late hour".
[18:53:06] <Nebokhod> = Not likely. Delaying is a huge no-no. How long is the stay on this station?
[18:53:19] <@Fats> * three minutes
[18:55:42] <Nebokhod> = Hopefully they'll just take the woman and will leave us alone.
[18:56:19] <Kit_Remoni> = Sure thing, dude. Get this * pay up and show him WoF stats of a local star on my fake commlink
[18:56:43] <Kit_Remoni> * this was to the barman and not in =
[18:57:36] <@Fats> The barman proceeds to open a microwave stove, put a foil-wrapped foam box with soy chicken inside, and half a minute later pass it to you with one half steamily hot and the other still cold as ice
[18:58:03] <@Fats> He appears unimpressed by the stat, though; perhaps too sleepy to appreciate it.
[18:58:19] * Kit_Remoni proceeds to bother barman with WoF shit a bit more to leave an impression.
[18:58:37] <Kit_Remoni> *then I'll return to the team
[19:01:16] <@Fats> The guy nods at random phrases and generally appears to most wish to be left alone.
[19:01:22] <@Fats> * where's the team, btw?
[19:03:14] <Nebokhod> * farthest 3rd class car from the one with the tiger?
[19:05:45] * Kit_Remoni is mixing food through with plastic fork to get heat more evenly distributed, then consumes it
[19:06:00] <@Fats> * The free places in that car (as well as any other, actually) are randomly dispersed, so you won't be all near each other
[19:08:04] <Kit_Remoni> - Drek, how lucky I am to travel this way! Man, this is the true way of traversing the planet surface! Eating shitty food, talking with random strangers, sharing stories and looking at real scenery! *Kit rants to random sitter-by* - think of it, how sad it is to travel via planes, never seeing the world up close, never feeling the travel through and
[19:08:04] <Kit_Remoni> through....
[19:08:06] <Nebokhod> * are the seats very far appart?
[19:08:28] <@Fats> * two to three compartments over
[19:09:04] <Nebokhod> * should be good enough, i think.
[19:09:34] <@Fats> Kit_Remoni, you walk into the car just as the train stops at Arkhara, sighing heavily. Looking out the window, you can see the usual train stop commotion broken up by a group of black-clad operatives escorting the weretiger away, a van already waiting for her; before your car, a lively female elf reporter can be seen with drones floating around filming and flood-lighting the scene. Judging by her gesturing at the broken windows, she's reporting on
[19:09:34] <@Fats> one more train attack at the Transsib.
[19:09:50] <@Fats> * perception (visual) anyone who cares
[19:09:59] * Stozu_ElGoblo (Vi_KotTor@ has joined #TeamA
[19:10:14] * Stozu_ElGoblo (Vi_KotTor@ has left #teama
[19:10:33] <Nebokhod> 10#sd
[19:10:34] <ur_dnd_bot> Nebokhod: (pool 10) 3 hits
[19:10:47] * Stozu_ElGoblo (Vi_KotTor@ has joined #TeamA
[19:11:37] <Kit_Remoni> >> http://pastebin.com/uvPX2S8V
[19:11:50] <Stozu_ElGoblo> * Thx.
[19:11:57] * Kit_Remoni tries not to care by talking to people, because sadness, grimdarkness etc
[19:12:55] <Stozu_ElGoblo> * There are some hardware troubles on my end.
[19:13:26] <@Fats> Nebokhod, it appears that the cub that ended up kidnapped is in that van already, so you're witnessing a family reunion of sorts. An operative following Subadi slides the van door shut, and it takes off, who knows where.
[19:14:06] <Stozu_ElGoblo> * Probably another 20-30 minutes of very AFK, much sorry.
[19:14:36] * Stozu_ElGoblo (Vi_KotTor@ Quit ("Ib'tuur jatne tuur ash'ad kyr'amur.")
[19:14:54] <@Fats> In three minutes straight the train starts on its way again; if there are any covert operatives the SAFR decided to plant among the passengers newly on the train, they remain so far unnoticed.
[19:16:13] <Kit_Remoni> After spending some time talking to people Kit will return to the VR and scan the train for any suspiciously-military-grade-commlinks linked to the comm node
[19:16:35] <Kit_Remoni> 10#sd matrix perception
[19:16:36] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 10) 4 hits
[19:17:13] <@Fats> The technomancer can't see any new commlinks connecting to the comm node that'd be in any way remarkable.
[19:20:01] <@Fats> In half an hour, the buzz of metahumans talking dies down, and the train returns to sleepy silence.
[19:20:13] <@Fats> * anything you plan other than sleeping?
[19:20:30] <Kit_Remoni> * we have 2 more days, right?
[19:21:28] <@Fats> * yep
[19:21:58] <Kit_Remoni> * then sleep. exhausted hacking is risky
[19:22:18] <Kit_Remoni> * tomorrow will return to hacking target train then.
[19:22:55] <@Fats> * Nebokhod?
[19:23:44] <Kit_Remoni> = Luke, given our track record of sleeping, could you whip up some spirit to look up while we sleep?
[19:24:21] <Nebokhod> = Look up?
[19:25:01] <Kit_Remoni> = be on guard and stuff
[19:26:04] <Nebokhod> = After rest. Do not want to risk.
[19:26:54] <Kit_Remoni> * will put small sprite to check surrounding cameras for the next 8 hours. I assume I can buy hits on low-level sprite?
[19:28:01] <@Fats> *yes
[19:28:56] <Kit_Remoni> * ok. otherwise - skip to slumber since stimpatch wears off soon
[19:32:52] <@Fats> By the time you wake up, the rumour mill is on, full scale. The Yakut attack on your train made it to national news, that foxy elf showing off the broken windows where "Yakutian assailants entered the train" and the devastation wrought in the car "as they were repelled". While the windows and the berths above have been replaced in the next city where the train stopped, and nothing visually reminds of the night combat, everyone on the train feels l
[19:32:52] <@Fats> ike a little bit of a celeb. Your neighbors, assuming you just got in on Arkhara, seem to pity you a bit.
[19:35:11] <@Fats> As Che reports, the Matrix news are even more engaging: the train security is to be rewarded with state awards for fighting the Yakuts back; meanwhile, in the comment section the rumour mill has it wasn't the security but some high-profile spec-ops outfit; with passengers seeing a mighty mage in a flowing robe and a combat operative of smaller stature go through the train just after the incident.
[19:35:52] <Kit_Remoni> = F*ck
[19:36:14] <Nebokhod> = Now, that is nice. Gott love the rumour mill.
[19:36:20] <Nebokhod> *gotta
[19:36:37] <@Fats> You are sure that the incident will remain a hot topic for your fellow travelers for quite a good while.
[19:36:57] <@Fats> * It was the second day, and it was morning; anything you're planning to do?
[19:37:27] <Kit_Remoni> = Yes. Until the miller comes for you with a millstone. I do like rumour mill, but more when I choose what it knows not otherwise. Had unfortunate experience in Seattle
[19:39:14] * Kit_Remoni asks a bit about the stuff from the fellow travellers (who I assume will tell stories even if they didn't see shit), then, supporting his cover as WoF junkie announces that 'time for the raid has come!' and returns to hackery
[19:39:15] <Nebokhod> = Pfft.
[19:40:18] <Nebokhod> * I summon take10 spirit for 1S to guard us, on cooldown.
[19:40:31] <@Fats> * okay,sure
[19:42:00] <Nebokhod> = About that spirit, i summoned one, should keep those pesky yakuts at bay.
[19:42:36] <@Fats> * force, type, appearance?
[19:43:42] <Nebokhod> * F4, Man, Shibe.
[19:44:31] <@Fats> * okay, noted. Kit_Remoni, what is it that you're hacking?
[19:46:09] * Kit_Remoni will check cameras to find guard contingent, check their faces against FaceLook and at least check out their commlinks' level
[19:47:39] <Kit_Remoni> * that's on target train, of course.
[19:48:09] <Kit_Remoni> * I basically want to see what the opposition level is like, is there anything suspicious and who is the leader
[19:49:07] * Stozu_ElGoblo (Vi_KotTor@ has joined #TeamA
[19:49:12] * Stozu_ElGoblo (Vi_KotTor@ has left #teama
[19:49:17] * Stozu_ElGoblo (Vi_KotTor@ has joined #TeamA
[19:49:36] <Stozu_ElGoblo> * I'm finally back, sorry.
[19:51:39] <@Fats> The train guard detail appear to be the usual ex-military types, growing fat on their job of ruling in loud drunks. Their commander is one Ivan Sidorenko, 46, retired a lieutenant from the army after his officer corps compulsory three-year term; been with various low-grade security outfits in managerial positions ever since.
[19:52:19] <Kit_Remoni> * http://pastebin.com/e9Y8y7wi
[19:52:35] * Stozu_ElGoblo is now known as Che
[19:55:44] <Kit_Remoni> * What's Ivan's commlink firewall level?
[19:55:51] <Kit_Remoni> * 10#sd
[19:55:51] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 10) 2 hits
[19:56:55] <@Fats> * what's the roll? 4.
[19:57:06] <Kit_Remoni> * that was matrix perception
[19:57:33] <Kit_Remoni> * I think we could pose as someone he ows from his past assignments and enlist his help if needed
[19:58:18] <Nebokhod> * mad talky skillz. do you have them?
[19:58:41] <Kit_Remoni> * I don't, so I'll use texts and my mastery of comm-node
[19:59:20] <Nebokhod> * you will hack his memory, now that is nice.
[20:00:01] <Kit_Remoni> * I do believe people's memory is largely stored in electronic form even this days, not to mention 2072'
[20:00:40] <Kit_Remoni> 11#sd thread exploit
[20:00:40] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 11) 3 hits
[20:00:50] <@Fats> * I do believe that people actually remember anyone they'd want to actually help
[20:01:22] <@Fats> * As in: yeah, some random people they've met once in their lives might just be written down somewhere in their notebooks/commlinks; but those they won't help
[20:01:39] <Kit_Remoni> * 12#sd resist fade against 3
[20:01:39] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 12) 4 hits
[20:02:08] <Kit_Remoni> 17,14#sde probe his commlink
[20:02:08] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 17, threshold 14) 3 passes, 22 hits
[20:02:11] * Che tries to relax in his new seat, thinking about recent events and forthcoming job.
[20:02:27] <Kit_Remoni> * so sad those extra hits can never help
[20:02:39] <Kit_Remoni> * 3 hours and I'm in, and 1 less task from squiddie
[20:02:48] <@Fats> * okay
[20:05:00] <Kit_Remoni> Kit's expert drilling and squid's many arms were enough to break into Ivan's commlink. Kit'll clean up the tracks and look through the messages to check if anyone gave Ivan secret instructions already
[20:07:21] <@Fats> It doesn't take Kit long to find that Ivan does indeed lead a double life, using his position to press his subordinates into having homosexual relationships with him in exchange for promotions or exemplary work records at termination. Other than that, nothing really interesting or useful at his commlink.
[20:08:31] <Nebokhod> * oooh, what's the punishment for rape?
[20:09:12] <@Fats> * five to ten
[20:11:15] <Kit_Remoni> * nice! Now.. is there anyone in the team currently who did not agree on this?
[20:11:41] <Che> * Can we send it to some watchdog organisation?
[20:12:12] <Kit_Remoni> * I kinda hope to find a decent dude I might propose to get this dealt with in exchange for help
[20:13:42] <Nebokhod> * we can send it to somebody extremely homophobic on corporate board of RZD.
[20:14:12] <@Fats> * <Kit_Remoni> * nice! Now.. is there anyone in the team currently who did not agree on this? | Not really; Ivan appears to be a decent psychologist.
[20:16:15] * Kit_Remoni shares newly-obtained info with the crew: - I do want to have an 'in' with the security should a situation arise with the mission
[20:17:29] <Kit_Remoni> * will also look for a board members who are either indeed homofobic, or better actually give a shit about rape on a workforce
[20:20:09] <Nebokhod> * you could use that journalist chick too. In 12 hours it will be known that there's a gang of serial homosexualist gangrapers on the transsib.
[20:21:00] <Kit_Remoni> * depends on do they care. I would not be shocked if it will be ignored as 'not hot and trendy enough'
[20:22:18] <@Fats> * Kit_Remoni, roll me a data search test to find details on the RZD board, threshold 12 period 1 minute
[20:22:56] <Kit_Remoni> * btw, is it indeed gang, or does he pork them one by one without them knowing this is shared?
[20:23:32] <Che> * There'll be another secutity detail on our ride back, right?
[20:23:59] <Kit_Remoni> * this is info for our ride back
[20:24:38] <Che> * Ah, ok.
[20:25:04] <@Fats> * No, he's fine with having random relationships every once in a while, never more than one at a time, and often none at all
[20:26:15] <Kit_Remoni> * I'm thinking if it would be fun to reveal to those guys they are _all_ his boytoys
[20:27:45] <@Fats> * But they aren't; he only picks the byronic pale types.
[20:28:11] <Kit_Remoni> * Fats I have you so much >.<
[20:28:21] <Kit_Remoni> * Freud )
[20:29:25] <@Fats> * what?
[20:29:38] <Kit_Remoni> * I mean this is hilarious
[20:29:47] <@Fats> * We're in cyberpunk dystopia, this is like the tamest I could go
[20:30:10] <Kit_Remoni> * Meanwhile will leave backdoor on his link for future fun, then drop exploit and research this Chingiz Aytmatov dude in SIN database
[20:30:38] <Kit_Remoni> 11#sd thread spoof
[20:30:38] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 11) 2 hits
[20:31:01] <Kit_Remoni> 9#sd edge reroll
[20:31:02] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 9) 2 hits
[20:31:12] <Nebokhod> * check if there is a connection betwen chingiz and rose.
[20:31:25] <Kit_Remoni> 8#sd
[20:31:25] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 8) 2 hits
[20:31:37] <Kit_Remoni> *and one more reroll 6#sd
[20:31:37] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 6) 1 hit
[20:31:58] <Kit_Remoni> * 3 hits. who the fuck he is?
[20:33:20] <@Fats> * he's a random Buryat from the remaining population in Russia; the kind of sparse responses from the SIN databases strongly implies Chingiz Aytmatov is nothing but a low-grade fake SIN
[20:34:33] <Kit_Remoni> * Can I then use their SIN-linked faces as a base for search in runner/criminal databases or smth like that? to find out their actual identity
[20:35:08] <Kit_Remoni> * Or use 'networking' of sorts and go through Fixers I know
[20:36:29] <@Fats> * well, we've established facial recognition databases aren't a thing (at least not publicly available ones); but yeah, you guys can ask your fixer contracts if you want.
[20:36:48] <Kit_Remoni> * Thanks for the reminder
[20:37:42] <Kit_Remoni> = Guys, I suggest asking about this mugshots to your friends. I would like to have some idea what to expect from them other than Rose is nerve-boosted
[20:39:20] * Nebokhod relays mugshots to Horizon with a note "Does these ring a bell?".
[20:41:49] <Che> = Well, no harm in trying.
[20:42:12] <@Fats> In a minute, the fixer responds with a brief line: "Yeah, seen the girl before; she's a razorgirl, named Maria (banal, right?) I've considered her for a couple blunt force runs, but she'd never work with a team, so I only landed her a bodyguarding contract once".
[20:44:14] <@Fats> * waiting for your further actions
[20:44:14] <Kit_Remoni> * Che, your bartender wont' help, I assu,e?
[20:44:18] * Nebokhod sends "Recent one?"
[20:45:12] * Che feeds mugshots to his contacts.
[20:46:03] <@Fats> "Nah, been more than a year I figure" - Horizon texts back.
[20:48:09] * Nebokhod sends "Ok. Thanks. Hopefully she hadn't changed much."
[20:48:59] <Che> = Eh, no news from my connections.
[20:49:02] <Kit_Remoni> * btw, datasearch 7,12#sde
[20:49:02] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 7, threshold 12) 5 passes, 13 hits
[20:49:14] <Kit_Remoni> * >> Kit_Remoni, roll me a data search test to find details on the RZD board, threshold 12 period 1 minute
[20:49:15] <@Fats> "Sammies just never do, do they? They get more and more chrome and plastic until one day they're more machine than man, but still the same power-hungry spiteful teenager inside"
[20:50:53] * Nebokhod sends "True dat".
[20:51:32] <@Fats> Kit_Remoni, Kamendin's Russia is a rather homophobic place, all in all; so pretty much anyone of the RZD board would go - at least if you trust their public personas. Perhaps only Moshe Goldberg stands out: he actually publicly donates large sums to RPC non-profits like "For the traditional family" or "Tradition".
[20:52:08] <Kit_Remoni> *shares*
[20:53:04] <Kit_Remoni> = Well, even if Moshe does something not fun in private, if we publicly inform him and pass it to newsfeed, he'd have little choice, but to action
[20:54:15] <Nebokhod> = This chick is a gilette, goes by the name Maria, apparently a loner. Last known contract was bodyguarding.
[20:54:55] <Kit_Remoni> = I'd ask if she's ... practical. you know. Not 'trustworthy', but at least smart enough to be talkable
[20:55:55] <Nebokhod> = What?
[20:56:15] <Che> = Hm, we can call her and ask.
[20:57:02] <Kit_Remoni> = If your guy got her a contract, I'd ask if she was someone you could negotiate with. I 've seen solos who were complete bonkers
[20:57:49] <Kit_Remoni> = If we call her now it would be tipping her off.
[20:58:31] <Che> = Yes, I were just thinking aloud.
[20:58:45] <Kit_Remoni> * Fats, given that I have admin access to the train(s), are there any automatic security measures?
[20:58:56] <Kit_Remoni> * Or are the doors automated
[20:59:17] <Che> = Can she be hired by our Johnson? May be he has some info on her.
[21:00:43] <Kit_Remoni> = He'd tell - for one. For two, if he was hiring her to get rid of us in the aftermath, for example.. I'd say he'd be rather stupid as there's three of us against one of her.
[21:00:47] <@Fats> Kit_Remoni, no; not even the doors are automated, the conductor has to go and open them at the stops
[21:01:39] <Che> * very cyberpunk, much hightech.
[21:02:40] <Kit_Remoni> = So any other suggestions before we arrive?
[21:03:10] <Che> = I mean, she can be with the courier. Or be the courier.
[21:03:12] <Kit_Remoni> = I could find out more if I hack this guys, but for that I'd need them on the train.
[21:03:57] <Kit_Remoni> * as in do we skip until arrival or do we do something else?
[21:04:48] <Nebokhod> * skip, i think.
[21:05:16] <Che> * Yeah.
[21:05:20] <Kit_Remoni> * OK. You and I could get sprites/spirits ready for the next step
[21:06:08] <Kit_Remoni> * 12#sd , 14#sd register sprite
[21:06:09] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 12) 4 hits; (pool 14) 6 hits
[21:06:16] <Che> * I'll just be here drinking my wine and eating pierogis.
[21:06:18] <Kit_Remoni> * last edge reroll for 8
[21:06:25] <Kit_Remoni> * 8#sd
[21:06:25] <ur_dnd_bot> Kit_Remoni: (pool 8) 2 hits
[21:07:05] <Nebokhod> * spirits return to the metaplanes at dawn/dusk.
[21:07:29] <Kit_Remoni> * nope. Sprite will fade.
[21:07:45] <Kit_Remoni> * yep. I assume binding one is too hard?
[21:08:28] <Nebokhod> * needs mats and lodge.
[21:08:29] * Che skims matrix looking for Maria's personal pages or public profiles.
[21:09:04] <Kit_Remoni> * you do not have last name, dude ) and Maria is like literally one of the most popular on the planet
[21:09:19] <Kit_Remoni> * skip then.
[21:09:30] <Che> * I have plenty of free time.
[21:09:49] <Kit_Remoni> * Che researches ALL marias
[21:09:55] <Che> * Also, I can call it a practice.
[21:10:13] <Che> * Well, not ALL, but many.
[21:11:30] <Che> * And we have mugshot, approximate age, location, activity...
[21:11:56] <@Fats> Che, in an hour of searching, you collide enough data to perhaps pinpoint the Maria/Rose you're looking for: her EVO Friends profile most resembles a rich teen's diary (termed blevnechyok in the Russian Matrix), except in the photos from the clubs and concerts the fiberoptic-haired owner of the diary also sports two bulky cyberarms of polished chrome and glass.
[21:13:21] * Che sends others her recent beach photos.
[21:14:33] <@Fats> * skip?
[21:14:38] <Che> * sure
[21:14:41] <Kit_Remoni> * he indeed found her?
[21:14:59] <Kit_Remoni> * and yes, ok, skip
[21:16:07] <@Fats> * You have no way to know for sure, but
[21:18:19] <@Fats> The rest of the day is full of idle chatter and rumours growing more and more; by the end of the next day, when you arrive in Izhevsk, to hear some of your fellow travelers, a Yakutian division tried to attack the train and was repelled by a Russian spec-ops unit.
[21:19:20] * Kit_Remoni chats with a ladyfriend back in UCAS, who was lucky enough to leave Seattle in time
[21:20:50] <@Fats> You get off the train to spend the next quarter hour waiting for your return train to arrive under the drizzling rain coming from the Baikal lake as the armoured train escort rolls past; soon enough the train to bring you back to Vladivostok stands at the station, stinking of motor oil and tar.
[21:21:11] <@Fats> * Which places do you take, remind me?
[21:22:11] * Kit_Remoni checks Ivan's commlink if any new directives came in
[21:22:18] <Nebokhod> * the ones on the tickets?
[21:22:43] <Kit_Remoni> * I can do same with this train, we'll be ok no matter what seats we take
[21:23:43] <@Fats> * Kit_Remoni, no, you can't seem to find any new directives.
[21:24:31] <@Fats> You take your seats - the berths are a good share longer, and the compartments a good share roomier than the platzkart hell, - and soon are rolling back to the Seattle of the East.
[21:24:37] <@Fats> * I suggest we save here :3
[21:24:49] <Kit_Remoni> * OK
[21:24:53] <Nebokhod> * ok.
[21:25:08] <@Fats> * Two karma, everyone, blast me with your feedback
[21:25:21] <Che> = Hm, we can prepare security handouts and orders on our boarding friends, so we can stick guards on them if we'll need to.