Russel Nash

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== Build ==
Build points: 400
Used books: 4ed Core Rulebook AE, Arsenal, Augmentation, Runner's Companion

== Info ==
Name: Russel Nash
Ork male. Age 27.

Karma: 25 (11 unspent)

== Attributes ==

Bod: 10   (base 4 + implants 1 + bp-bought 5 + karma-bought 0)
Agi: 9    (base 1 + implants 6 + bp-bought 2 + karma-bought 0)
Rea: 9    (base 1 + implants 6 + bp-bought 2 + karma-bought 0)
Str: 4    (base 3 + implants 1 + bp-bought 0 + karma-bought 0)
Cha: 1    (base 1 + implants 0 + bp-bought 0 + karma-bought 0)
Int: 5    (base 1 + implants 0 + bp-bought 4 + karma-bought 0)
Log: 2    (base 1 + implants 0 + bp-bought 1 + karma-bought 0)
Wil: 3    (base 1 + implants 0 + bp-bought 2 + karma-bought 0)
Edg: 3    (base 1 + implants 0 + bp-bought 2 + karma-bought 0)

== Derived Attributes ==

Essence                    : 0.12
Initiative                 : 14 (8 cold, 9 hot)
Initiative passes          : 3 (3 cold, 4 hot)
Physical Damage Track      : 13
Stun Damage Track          : 10

== Defense ==

Defense pool (melee)       : 9 (15 fd)
Defense pool (ranged)      : 9 (17 fd)

Armor (ball/impact): 
    City mode (camo suit)  : 13/13
    Combat mode            : 20/18

== Active Skills ==

Pistols            R4 : 13(17) (smartlink + spec: heavy pistols)
Automatics         R6 : 15(19) (smartlink + spec: assault rifles)
Dodge              R4 : 15(17) (spec: ranged)
Unarmed            R4 : 13(15) (spec: shock frills)
Perception         R3 : 11(14) (visual/audio)
Infiltration       R4 : 13
Heavy Weapons      R2 : 11(15) (smarlink + spec: grenade launchers)
Etiquette          R1 :  2 (4) (spec: street)
Shadowing          R1 :  6 (8) (spec: tail evasion)
Computers          R1 :  3
Demolitions        R1 :  3

== Knowledge Skills ==

Cleveland gangs    R3 : 8
Seattle Runners    R4 : 9
Corporate Security R4 : 6
Security systems   R4 : 6
Cyberware          R4 : 6

== Language Skills ==

English               : N
French             R2 : 7

== Contacts ==

Seattle Fixer     (4,4) - Brianna Wych, an ork and my cousin.
Cleveland Johnson (6,3) - formerly THE Mr Johnson of Cleveland. Introduces himself as Archibald Kromstead. Has gone abroad and works remotely for the time being.
Seattle Johnson   (4,1) - that very EVO bottle-eyed son of a bitch.

== Qualities ==

Wealth                     :  50

In debt (Cleveland orkz)   : -30
Restricted gear (gland)    :   5
Restricted gear (toner)    :   5
Restricted gear (m-b-w)    :   5
Erased                     :  10
Allergy (mild, uncommon)   :  -5    (natural wood)

== Bioware (3.12 es) ==
                                  Cost   Essence  
s-h Muscle Toner R4             16000nu    0.96          
s-h Suprathyroid Gland          22500nu    0.84     
s-h Orthoskin R2                30000nu    0.6      
s-h Bone Density R2             20000nu    0.72     

== Cyberware (4.32 es) ==
                                  Cost   Essence  
Move-by-wire R2                 85000nu    3
s-h Attention Coprocessor R3     4500nu    0.36
s-h Reaction Enhancers R2       10000nu    0.72
alpha Biomonitor                 2000nu    0.24

== Software ==


== Inventory ==







== Services ==

Money: 20000 nu
Debt : 35000 nu

== Weapons ==