Tokbar ECL09

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Name: Tokbar
Lawful Good Male Neandertal
Medium Humanoid                                               
Paladin 9
Deity: Tiger

---{ ABILITIES / PB 32 }---
STR 16(+3) +2(race)            +2(HD)   +2(ench) = 22(+6) 
DEX 12(+1) -2(race)                     + (ench) = 10(+0)
CON 14(+2) +2(race)                     +2(ench) = 18(+4)
INT 10(+0) -2(race)                     + (ench) =  8(-1)
WIS 16(+3)                              +2(ench) = 18(+4) 
CHA  8(-1)                              + (ench) =  8(-1)

Init : +0;
Speed: 30ft. (20ft in armor);
HP   : 9d10+36 = 90
AP   : 3/9

BAB: +9
Grp: 9(BAB) + 6(str) = +15
Trp: 6(str) = +6
Bull: 6(str) = +6

Tigerscull club +17/+12 melee (1d8+7/x4) 
  Attack Bonus: +9(BAB) +6(str) +1(PWM) +1(Enc)
  Damage: 1d8 +6(str) +1(Enc)

AC  : 10 +10(armor) +3(Shield) +1(Cloak) = 24
*Touch: 10
*FlatF: 24

Fort: 4(con) +6(cleric) +4(DG) +2(resistance) = +16
Refl: 0(dex) +3(cleric) +4(DG) +2(resistance) = +9
Will: 4(wis) +3(cleric) +4(DG) +2(resistance) = +13

---{ SKILLS / 12 }---
* 14 Concentration        11+3(con)
* 0  Knowledge(Arcana)    1-1(int)
# +2 racial bonus on Survival, Spot and Listen checks.

Speaks: Common

---{ FEATS }---
01[FLW1]: Power Attack
01[CHR1]: Serenity
03[CHR3]: Protection Devotion(3/day)
06[CHR6]: Awesome Smite
09[CHR9]: Extra Smiting

Flaws: Shaky

- Primitive Weapon Mastery
- Illiteracy
- Climate Tolerant
- Human Blood

- Aura of Good
- Detect Evil
- Smite Evil 4/day - [4/4]
- Lay on Hands - 36 points/day - [36/36]
- Divine Grace
- Aura of Courage
- Divine Health
- Turn Undead 3+4(wis)-6(2 devotion uses) = 1/day
- Charging Smite
- Remove Curse 2/week
1(1+1): Rhino Rush x2
2(0+1): Divine Protection

Save DC = 14 + Spell Level
CL 4
---{ GEAR }--- 
BODY SLOT                 ITEM
Head                      Circlet of Mages[3/3]       5000 gp
Throat                    Periapt of Wisdom +2        4000 gp
Shoulders                 Cloak of NA +1              2000 gp
Body                      Adamantine Heavy Plate +1   6720 gp[partycrafted]
Torso                     Vest of Resistance +2       4000 gp
Hands                     Gloves of Str +2            4000 gp
Arms                      Caduceus Bracers            2000 gp
Waist                     Belt of Constitution  +2    4000 gp
Ring (right)              
Ring (left)               

Tigerskull club +1                                    2105 gp[partycrafted]
Heavy Steel Shield +1                                 1060 gp[partycrafted]

Adventurer's Kit                                      15 gp
Pearl of Power I                                      1000 gp

Money: 100 gp.

---{ COMBAT MODES }---
Rhino Rush + Charging Smite
Tigerscull club +23 melee (2*d8+68/x4) 
  Attack Bonus: +9(BAB) +6(str) +1(PWM) +1(Enc) +4(Wis) +2(Charge)
  Damage: (1d8 +6(str) +1(Enc) +27(pal lvl x3)) *2