Moss Corbell

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Name: Moss Corbell
Rank: Seasoned
Exp Total: 20

Agility     1d10 2 + 1 (hid)
Strength    1d8  2
Vigor       1d8  1 + 1 (5exp)
Smarts      1d4
Spirit      1d4

Pace       6 (1d6 run)
Parry      7 
Toughness  7 (+1 edge)
Charisma   0

(Ag) Shooting  1d10 4
(Ag) Fighting  1d10 5
(Sp) Guts      1d4  1
(Sm) Survival  1d8  5

Edges: Brawny (free), Quick (Hid), Headshot (5exp), Frensy (5exp), First Strike (5exp)

Hindrances: Code of Honor(Major), Delusional, Cautious

Fire Axe [damage Str+2] 
24 патрона 12 калибра.
2 levels of gasoline
10 галлонная канистра с 13 квартами воды
Нуртка NYFD 1ap.
Cloths, etc