Kit Remoni

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"...they heard a great chattering and flapping of wings, as the band of Winged Monkeys flew up to them.
The King bowed low before Dorothy, and asked, "What is your command?"
~ "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz", L. Frank Baum

Заповеди правильного техноманта

1) Пустых спрайт-слотов быть не должно. лучше посидеть лишних три дня за регистрацией, но слоты должны быть забиты полезными спрайтами.
2) Техномант - последняя надежда спрайта, а не наоборот
3) От черномолота спасает контратака, а не джекаут. 


Kit Remoni.jpg
Молодой, не чрезмерно мускулистый гном, черная борода достаточно коротко подстрижена, голова выбрита, дабы не мучиться с мытьем, недостаток растительности на макушке восполняет широкими усами; на глазах - хитроумные гогглы в пол-лица. Одевается чаще всего в байкерского типа куртки-"косухи", и давно копит на личный байк, пока ограничиваясь просмотром транслируемых через Матрицу шоу. 
Иконка в Матрице не слишком отличается от реального облика, но на плече висит огромная пушка, имеющая мало общего с реальностью.


== Build ==
Build points: 400
Concept: Dwarf Technomancer

== Info ==
Name: Kit Remoni
Wealth: 3D6
Karma spent/total: 15/26 (+submersion and spec for software)
Dwarf male. Age - 25.
Height 115 cm. Weight 46 kg. 


== Attributes 200+25(meta)=225 ==
BOD: 3
AGI: 2
REA: 4
STR: 3
CHA: 3
INT: 4
LOG: 4
WIL: 3
EDG: 2
RES: 5

== Derived Attributes ==
Essence:                   6
Initiative:                8
IP:                        1
Matrix Initiative:         9
Matrix IP:                 3
Physical Damage Track:     10
Stun Damage Track:         10

== Active Skills 148 BP ==
Archery                    : 0                      Pool: 1
Armorer                    : 0                      Pool: 3
Artisan                    : 0                      Pool: 4
Automatics                 : 0                      Pool: 1
Automotive Mechanic        : 2                      Pool: 6
Blades                     : 0                      Pool: 1
Climbing                   : 0                      Pool: 2
Clubs                      : 0                      Pool: 1
Compiling                  : 5 [Machine]            Pool: 10 (12)
Computer                   : 3                      Pool: 7
Con                        : 0                      Pool: 2
Cybercombat                : 4                      Pool: 8
Data Search                : 3                      Pool: 7
Decompiling                : 3                      Pool: 8
Demolitions                : 0                      Pool: 3
Disguise                   : 0                      Pool: 4
Diving                     : 0                      Pool: 2
Dodge                      : 0                      Pool: 3
Electronic Warfare         : 4                      Pool: 8
Escape Artist              : 0                      Pool: 1
Etiquette                  : 0                      Pool: 2
First Aid                  : 0                      Pool: 3
Forgery                    : 0                      Pool: 1
Gunnery                    : 0                      Pool: 1
Gymnastics                 : 0                      Pool: 1
Hacking                    : 4                      Pool: 8
Hardware                   : 3                      Pool: 7
Heavy Weapons              : 0                      Pool: 1
Infiltration               : 0                      Pool: 1
Instruction                : 0                      Pool: 2
Intimidation               : 0                      Pool: 2
Leadership                 : 0                      Pool: 2
Locksmith                  : 0                      Pool: 1
Navigation                 : 0                      Pool: 4
Negotiation                : 0                      Pool: 2
Palming                    : 0                      Pool: 1
Parachuting                : 0                      Pool: 2
Perception                 : 2                      Pool: 7
Pilot Ground Craft         : 2                      Pool: 6
Pilot Watercraft           : 0                      Pool: 3
Pistols                    : 0                      Pool: 1
Registering                : 5 [Machine]            Pool: 10 (12)
Running                    : 0                      Pool: 2
Shadowing                  : 0                      Pool: 4
Software                   : 4 [Threading]          Pool: 8
Survival                   : 0                      Pool: 2
Swimming                   : 0                      Pool: 2
Throwing Weapons           : 0                      Pool: 1
Tracking                   : 0                      Pool: 4
Unarmed Combat             : 0                      Pool: 1

== Knowledge Skills ==
Biker Shows                : 3                      Pool: 8
Black ICE detection        : 4                      Pool: 8
Corporate OS               : 5                      Pool: 9
English                    : 3                      Pool: 8
German                     : N                      Pool: 0
Matrix Legends             : 3                      Pool: 8
Matrix Theory              : 3                      Pool: 7
Russian IT underground     : 3                      Pool: 8

== Qualities +10-30 BP ==
Allergy (Common, Mild) (Smoking)
Media junkie(mild)   
Reduced sense(smell) 		
Incompetent (Longarms)
Technomancer(Dronemancer thread - Crack, Data, Fault, Machine, Tutor sprites, Fading resist with Intuition+Resonance)			
(Daedalus - +1 to Machine sprite, +2 on Hardware test, crafted items are used with -2)	
Thermographic Vision

== Complex Forms 33 BP ==
(Tradition: Dronemancer, Resist Fading with Intuition+Resonance)
Submersion 1, SwapR1 (only -1 for threading)
Analyze Rating: 5
Armor Rating: 3
Attack Rating: 5
Blackout Rating: 5
Browse Rating: 5
Exploit Rating: 5
Stealth Rating: 5

w'Autosoft(First Aid)

== Lifestyles ==
Low  1 months

== Contacts ==
Low-height human with a little fancy hat, and a nice accent(possibly Irish), nickname Badger.

The hookah-smoking Caterpillar(3,5)
Sixth-level(as she was summoned) machine-sprite, who likes racing, and is desperate to get what she wants. Was made free by some noble(or trying to look like one) techie, who of course would pay for that.
Location: unknown, somewhere deep in the Resonance.

== Armor ==
Lined Coat                6/4

== Weapons ==
Survival Knife
   Pool: 1   DV: 3P   AP: -1   RC: 0
Unarmed Attack
   Pool: 1   DV: 2S   AP: -   RC: 0

== Commlink ==
Living Persona (4 (5), 4, 3, 3)
   +Living Persona
   +Biofeedback Filter Rating 3
Sony Emperor (2, 1, 1, 3)
   +Vector Xim

== Gear 10Bp ==
Datachip x4
Fake License Rating 4
Fake SIN (Kostya Romanov) Rating 4
Goggles Rating 4
   +Flare Compensation
   +Vision Magnification
   +Low Light
Jammer, Area Rating 4 x4
Knowsoft (Linguasoft:Russian) Rating 3
Medkit Rating 6
Micro-Transceiver Rating 1
Nanopaste Disguise (Small Container) x2
Respirator Rating 6
Tag Eraser
Tool Kit (Automech)
Non-Linear Junction Detector R6  0.6K								
Fiberoptic Cable, 2m, x4     0.04K								
Fiberoptic Cable, 10m, x2         0.01K				
Smart Directional Jammer R2      2K							
radio signal scanner R6 0.15				

== Vehicles ==
CrashCart AutoDoc (Large)
   +Valkyrie Module
   +Walker Mode
   +Large Drone Sensor
   +Medkit Rating 6
   +Rigger cocoon 8 1500Y
   +Galoping(max speed 120%=36, accel 6/12) = 1920Yx`
   +Holo projector - 200Y

S-B Microskimmer (Microdrone)
   +Hovercraft Upgrade, Add-on
   +Microdrone Sensor
      +Directional Microphone

GM-Nissan Doberman (Medium)
   +Walker Mode
   +Weapon Mount (Normal, External, Turret, Remote) - Ingram WK
   +Ammo: Explosive Rounds (Light Machine Guns) x100
   +Clearsight Rating 3
   +Large Drone Sensor(Sensor 4)
   +Targeting (Self) Rating 3

  Steel Lynx (Large)
   +Weapon Mount (Normal, External, Turret, Remote) - Ingram WK
   +Ammo: Explosive Rounds (Light Machine Guns) x100
   +Defense Rating 3
   +Large Drone Sensor(Sensor 4)
   +Targeting (Self) Rating 3
   +IR (200Y) 

Slap patches(stimm R6, 12) *3 = 150*3 = 450Y
medkit refill 50Y

== Combat Modes ==
Melee Defence:
  Dodge           : 6
  Fulldodge(dodge): 8

Ranged Defence:
  Reaction        : 4
  Fulldodge       : 6

Ballistic Armor: 6
Impact Armor:    4

== Matrix actions ==
Matrix Perception = Comp(3)+Analyze(def 5) + HotVR Mod(2) + Techomancer mod(2)=12
Matrix Attack = Cybercombat(4) + Attack(def 5) + HotVR Mod(2) = 11
Matrix Defence = Response(VR=5) + Firewall(3) + HotVR Mod(2) = 10, + Armour(def 3)(for non-blackHammer defence)=13
BlackAP Resist = Willpower(3) + Biofeedback(3) + HotVR Mod(2) = 8
Compile/Register Sprite(not Machine) = Resonance(5) + Compiling/Registering(5) + HotVR Mod(2) = 12, 14 edged
Compile/Register Sprite(Machine) = Resonance(5) + Compiling/Registering(5) + 2(Spec) + 1(Daedalus Paragon) + HotVR Mod(2) = 15, 17 edged
Thread Complex Form = Software(4) +2(spec) + Resonance(5) + HotVR Mod(2) = 13
Resist Fading = Resonance(5) + Intuition(5) + HotVR Mod(2) = 12

== Shopping list ==