Garvel Green

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Name: Garvel Green
Origin: Battlefleet Calaxis
Background: Wyrd(Chameleon) [300], Cold Guild Runner [100]
Career Path: Scum [Reclaimator]
Divination: "There is no substitute for zeal"

Ranking: III Outlaw
XP: 2500
Spent: 2100

--- Characteristics (100 XP) ---
(8, 13, 13, 15, 13, 11, 12, 10, 9)
WS 29 (29)
BS 37 (32 +5 tr)
S  30 (30)
T  30 (33 -5 bg +2 div) 
A  40 (35 +5 tr)
I  33 (33)
P  36 (31 +5 bg)
W  40 (33 +5 or +2 div)
F  28 (28)

Wounds: 14
Fate: 3
Insanity: 0
Corruption: 3

--- Traits ---
Void Accustomed
Naval Lineage Skills
Close-Quarter Fighter
Wyrd Power(Chameleon)
Close-Quarter Fighter (+5 WS in confined space, -1 init & -10 BS at LR+ outdoors)
Officer on Desk (+10 Commandaboard star vessel, +5 F on tests to interact with VB)

--- Talents (500)---
Melee weapon training (Primitive)
Pistol Training (SP)
Basic Weapon Training (SP)
Concealed Cavity
Peer(Void Born)
Talented (Concealment)
Hard Target				[100]
Sound Constitution x3			[300]
Quick Draw				[100]

--- Skills (1000)---
Speak Language (Battlefleet War Cant, Low Gothic)
Blather (Fel)
Charm (Fel)
Dodge (Ag) +10				[100]
Deceive (Fel)
Awareness (Per) +10			[100]
Common Lore (Imperium)
Concealment (Ag)			[100]
Tech Use				[200]
Search					[100]
Evaluate				[100]
Inquiry					[100]
Sleight of hand				[100]
Common Lore(Underworld)			[100]

---- as basic ----
Pilot(Forbidden Space Raft)
Common Lore (Tech)

--- Gear (13+(FB IB IB AB)d10[61]+60=134+175 (for sold starting equipment) trones + 3 rare items)---
Combat Knife, Best, Mono 1d5+4 P2					40
Orthlak Mark IV Pistol 30m S/–/6 1d10+4 I 0 12 Full
	Good Quality, Silencer, Fire Selector 				35
	bullet x120							 4
	Manstoppers x24							20
	Dumdum Bullets x24						20
Boarding Armour (5 on H&B, 3 everything else; +Void Suit + photo visor)
Stummers								25
Decent quality clothing with heavy cloak				20
Injector								 5
Stimm									20
Backpack								10
Lascutter								65
Micro Bead								20
Hostile Weather Gear							10
Daily Prayers x10							10
25 trones