Fiorr ECL03

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Name: Fiorr
TN Gnome (tinker) Male (adult)
Small Humanoid (gnome)                                               
Illusioner 3
Deity: Olidammara

---{ ABILITIES / PB 32 }---
STR	08(00) − 2(race)	= 06(−2) 
DEX	14(06) + 2(race)	= 16(+3)
CON	16(10)		= 16(+3)
INT	18(16) + 2(race)	= 20(+5)
WIS	08(00) − 2(race)	= 06(−2) 
CHA	08(00)		= 08(−1)

Init : +3 (+3 dex)
Speed: 20ft.
HP   : 18=2d4+4+9
AP   : ??

BAB: +1
Grpl: −5 = 1(BAB) − 2(str) − 4(size)
Trip: −6 = −2(str) − 4(size)
Bull: −6 = −2(str) − 4(size)

[MAGIC Staff +0 melee d8-1 (20/x2)] 
  Attack Bonus: +1(BAB) + 1(MAGIC) − 2(str)
  Damage: d8 + 1(MAGIC) − 2(str)

Full : 18 = 10 + 3(dex) + 1(size) + 4(armor)
Touch: 14 = 10 + 3(dex) + 1(size)
FlatF: 15 = 10 + 1(size) + 4(armor)

Fort: +4 = 1(wiz) + 3(con)
Refl: +4 = 1(wiz) + 3(dex)
Will: +3 = 3(wiz) + 2(race) − 2(wis)

---{ SKILLS / 42  / 02 }---
13 Hide 06(wiz) + 3(dex) + 4(size)
13 K(arcana) 06(wiz) + 5(int) + 2(sage)
08 K(dung) 01(wiz) + 5(int) + 2(sage)
08 K(nat) 01(wiz) + 5(int) + 2(sage)
08 K(planes) 01(wiz) + 5(int) + 2(sage)
08 K(religion) 01(wiz) + 5(int) + 2(sage)
08 K(history) 01(wiz) + 5(int) + 2(sage)
11 Spellcraft 06(wiz) + 5(int)
02 Bluff 06(wiz) − 1(cha)      		
02 Disguise 06(wiz) − 1(cha)
08 Concentration 05(wiz) + 3(con)

Speaks: Common, Gnome, Draconic, Dwarven, Goblin, Elven, Giant 
Skill Tricks: Collector Of Stories

---{ FEATS }---
01[FLW]: Spell Focus(Illusion)
01[CHR]: Greater Spell Focus(Illusion)
03[CHR]: Dazzling Illusions

Flaws: Unattentive

  [--] Shadow Shaper
  [--] Focused Specialist (Banned Evocation, Necromancy, Enchantment)
  [Ex] Chains Of Disbelief
  [--] Gnome Illusions Spells
0(4): Silent Image x 2, Prestidigitation x 2
1(1+2+3): Minor Image[s] x 2, Color Spray[s], Nerveскитлз, Mage Armor, Animate Rope
2(0+1+3): Dark Way[s], Major Image[s] x 2, Web

---{ SPELLBOOK }---
1: Minor Image, Color Spray, Nerveскитлз, Mage Armor, Animate Rope, Phantom Trap, Enlarge Person, Identify, True Strike, Shield.
2: Dark Way, Major Image, Web

Save DC = 15 + Spell Level ( +2 for illusions)
CL 3 (−1 for divinations)

---{ GEAR }--- 
BODY SLOT                 ITEM

Noble Outfit 50gp
Spellbook(Doppleganger skin pages+rainbow glowing ink) 50gp
Component Pouch 5gp
Adventurer's Kit 15gp
Quarterstaff (+1\+0) 2000 gp

Scroll of Web 150gp + 200gp

Carrying Capacity / Total Weight:       
Money: 145gp.
100gp-> harley

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* Paragith/ссылка на автора чаршита

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